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07/20/23 11:10 PM

#10814 RE: Darider #10811

Nothing has changed in the long term valuation ….

The fact they had to become non-registered and do unaudited financials for now was a small blip on the timeline, but only set us back 2 or 3 months in the long haul.

It’s very realistic here before Thanksgiving we could see the PPS still hit $10.00+

It all comes down to being registered again and then releasing the audited financials we’ve been waiting for.

If we see in the audited financials that Tradition did anywhere near $100 million, or even better than the $87 million they did in 2021, then the chase is on. And the share price should skyrocket.

$100 million revenue / 17 million shares
= $6.00 per share

That’s only a valuation at 1x revenue.
If the profitability for 2022 was even better than 2021, then we could see a market cap of 2x revenue ….

$100 million x 2 = $200 million.

$200 million / 17 million shares

= $12.00 per share.

I think we can see $5.00 - $12.00 per share if we get the audited results we’ve been craving for.

$25.00 as you stated needs even higher profitability, and another nice acquisition like another Karr Transportation to add to Tradition’s impressive catalog of what they already own.