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07/20/23 12:56 PM

#356820 RE: Krombacher #356819

dickran, it's time for you to stop lying.

There is no done deal.

There are no dollars/share.

There are no new erhc assets.

The statement in the 8-K regarding erhc's need for capital did not exclude the EEZ. Why did you lie about it?

Oranto is an operating company with producing assets, operating capital and credibility. erhc has very little in common with Oranto so any comparisons between the two are as bogus as your billions of shorted erhe shares nonsense.

Consecutive closes above $.001 did not bring margin calls.

Made up libel suits, fake cease and desist letters, and sketched heads prove nothing other than how ridiculous and asinine your bullish erhe claims really are. Dollars/share? Can't even reach 10 cents; not even a penny lmao.


07/20/23 1:41 PM

#356829 RE: Krombacher #356819

Krombacher, well, I hope you are correct but based on my experience, nobody will ever pay $3B dollars for erhc because theie acreage rights are all unproven, and the few wells that were drilled were not commercial. Nobody will pay billions of dollars for unproven acreage and if you are TotalEnergies and Shell, there is no rush.. they just found billions of barrels offshore Namibia.. they can just wait on SEO to decide if wants to die first, or take a reasonable buy-out offer..

Again, I hope you are correct but in my opinion, at this point in time, impossible.
