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07/20/23 12:48 PM

#222254 RE: Learning53 #222237

Amen brother. They could not permit our miracle molecule to impede those illicit profits.

Jab sales down 40+% in Europe and Fuzzy Fizer/Moderna/AStraholeZeneca is pressuring the European Commission to pay up for the supply agreement. The junk is rotting away and the Europeans have caught on to the scam. Lots going on over there in the court system. Wooe be to the deep state, caught in the act of mass murder. Hell to pay for the devils who orchestrated the pandemic. All the doctors and scientist who rubber stamped the scam are guilty for their implied responsibility to protect the public, not to bring on phony remedies. It was abusive beyond imagination.
New Nuremberg Court taking hold also. So the current deflection is concerning the over supply and the jab companies want their money! Darn near any judge has a price tag. however the ultimate power lies with the people and lo and behold the people reject it. They are suffering enough from inflation brought on by a Ukrainian mess thanks to NATO control via USA. BioWeapon labs showing up all over Ukraine. Not sitting well with the Europeans forced to pay for the monstrous jabs gathering dust on the shelves. This mess stinks so bad that now the people will have the ultimate dictum. Sure is getting expensive to pay all the trolls spouting in support of a dying corrupt system. The trumpet is playing the sound of freedom loud and clear.