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07/19/23 11:23 AM

#98690 RE: Skiluc #98687

The thing is, adding at which level???
When is freebies done?
Last but not least, next FS months away...


07/19/23 11:40 AM

#98693 RE: Skiluc #98687

Why don’t you tell everyone to wake up when you’re selling NioCorp also?

It’s only fair

Or am I supposed to think you only buy?

Oooops shhhhhh
Mums the word

I wonder how my friend skifund is doing. I miss him and Max almost as much as I missed you.


07/19/23 11:45 AM

#98694 RE: Skiluc #98687

Well I'll be a Monkey's Uncle!!

Skiluc is back!! we missed you terribly..... and i was hoping to ask you about your feelings NOW about the SPAC that you and MaxZ touted so vocally, saying it was going to be a huge step, and that it was all good... and that shareholders just didnt understand how beneficial it would be for us..... and that shareholders were just not sophisticated enough to connect the dots.....

Now, i think the 'jury is in' and some folks have a lot of egg on their faces......

Say Hi to MaxZ for me too if he's still around.....

ahhhhhh...... the vindication for the 'unsophisticated impatient investor crowd'


Demolition Man

07/19/23 1:45 PM

#98710 RE: Skiluc #98687

Lol I cannot believe you had the guts to comeback with your incredible advice lol I have to give you some credit Maxz is off peddling his next crap predictions elsewhere by now. . Me thinks you should just rely on luck because clearly you have zero skills. You look unbelievable foolish with your missed predictions and advice. I’m wondering if you Walter and Maxz just sit around and offer wrong advice all day?? Since Walter won’t reply to my question. You give us one positive benefit from each board member for NB that Mark has hired?? If you are a true believer in Mark this should be easy to answer.! Again, just give us one tiny example how our current and past board members that mark and Jim brought on board has helped our share price?? Me thinks you will pull a Walter and not reply either.