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Huggy Bear

07/18/23 1:57 PM

#155954 RE: VictoriaK #155950

Like we don't know the role being played.

I guess morals don't matter in the modern world.


07/18/23 2:01 PM

#155956 RE: VictoriaK #155950

A couple of my big board stocks today have been soaring but not sure how much today because nothing is a gain until one sells. Thanks for asking though? :-(

I look at it this way. This site has been a cesspool of the basher ruling the roost narrative for literally years. Everyone who has been around for any length of time knows this. A bashers paradise it as been. The playbook when one has been around long enough to see it clearly, has been for certain bashers to go around posting on boards together (such a love fest) some becoming MODs and controlling the boards.

Pretending to be so moral and upright and at the same time slinging as much dirt and mud at ones who are in different companies. The hook is to see how many longs will take the bait get mad and respond personally. Somehow it must make one's own life feel so much better than their own pathetic life by making up whatever outrageous bullshit ones can dream up. The bigger the story the better. Let's throw in some bold words, pretty colors, and 1-5 grade reading level and we have ourselves a winner. Longs get frustrated, make remarks back (get their posts removed and rightly so by the old format because they are off-topic), get mad, and then complain on the board that they have been wronged and before you know it get placed on post restrictions or banning. That's been the game right along.

Most longs who have tried by the old format to stay within the rules when negative posters have made such outlandish cringe posts against a company that it's just utterly beyond childish (any company for sake of this post) can't contain themselves, respond directly to the poster, not the post and have gotten in trouble for it. Most just do not have the ability or fortitude to see through the sewer remarks and respond directly to the post but stoop to getting personal. Countless longs have over the years complained about it to no avail.

I was reading the question and answer board prior to the rules changes here on this site. I actually agreed with two bashers who post regularly on this board although I didn't write on that board any thoughts or feelings (at first until I see how nasty they are acting now here). The idea was that it was a bad idea to institute the new rules because the discussion is supposed to be about companies not posters and can quickly get out of hand. It's easy for any of us to get personal and throw around insults which accomplishes not a damn thing.

There have been several who have bashed the company on a daily basis here. The same thing can be surmised and perhaps incorrectly as you have surmised. What is the basher Motivation: 1. Someone had a bad personal experience with the company so it's time for payback? 2. Paid Bashers? 3. Work for Naked Short syndicates? 4. Trying to get companies to make mistakes so one can try to get information and become a whistleblower? 5. For the sake of humanity? Even though they say often the most god-awful horrible things about others who operate companies, they are above it all in their personal lives and are anything but what mud they are slinging at others regularly on these boards. That would be a difficult pill for anyone to swallow to believe anything like that can remotely be the case.

Bashers have vested interests perhaps other than saving humanity from themselves?