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janice shell

02/20/07 11:30 PM

#64174 RE: J.C.N. #64170

IMHO and based on what he shared the issue with the SEC was absolutely unfounded and unsubstantiated and was satisfied with facts by CKYS.

Then why is the SEC investigation continuing? Why do they want more information from CKYS?
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02/20/07 11:31 PM

#64175 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Thank you Brent and blockman. Bless you for your efforts for the few of us out here who do care to know the truth but can't afford to travel across the country to check out a penny stock "investment." I know I certainly can't right now.

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02/20/07 11:36 PM

#64177 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Brentjanice, thank you for your time & effort regarding our stock, the company and management. I fully understand your wife's "intuition" as I have always followed what us guys call our "gut feeling". And that feeling for CK is positive; the positives far outweigh the negatives, albeit there are some concerns. Thanks again. GLTY
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02/20/07 11:37 PM

#64178 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Thanks, Brent. BDB eom
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02/20/07 11:38 PM

#64179 RE: J.C.N. #64170

did you happen to ask simple questions like, why is the TA gagged, or what happened to the station run commercials, or how is the etour golf event is going, myfankey...etc etc etc

and if you did can you share his answers with us.
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02/20/07 11:46 PM

#64185 RE: J.C.N. #64170

brent: darn. spent last $1.37 on ckys today.
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02/21/07 12:06 AM

#64194 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Very nice Brent,

thanks to you and the gang for your efforts and recap. Man this is so not like SLJB.
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~ TRT ~

02/21/07 12:09 AM

#64196 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Thanks Brent,

Your words mean alot, especially when it comes from a person like you, who is so well respected.

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02/21/07 12:17 AM

#64201 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Much appreciation & gratitude , Brent , Blockman , DcBass , 5-Cap for all that you are .

You all stand 10 feet tall in my eyes .

Special acknowledgment to Janice for her intuitive perspectives .

And to those who stay in touch off this board , trusting friendships and mutual respect mean so much !

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02/21/07 1:36 AM

#64214 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Brent....thanks for sharing that. I very much appreciate your dd in this company. You are one heck of a guy and i always enjoy seeing you on the board here. thanks again.
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02/21/07 5:30 AM

#64217 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Thank you for taking the time to share your visit Brent. Best to you and yours.
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02/21/07 5:54 AM

#64218 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Brent, appreciate you sharing thoughts from your visit. In my mind your personal credibility adds value to your impressions.

One comment in this post I was hoping you could elaborate in more detail on.

He has addressed the SEC issue head on and has moved on. IMHO and based on what he shared the issue with the SEC was absolutely unfounded and unsubstantiated and was satisfied with facts by CKYS.

What evidence did Jim share that led you to the conclusion the SEC accusations were unfounded? Did he show you some form of government contract or with a third party vendor? Did he present invoices related to the 18 million dollars in sales already achieved? Answering that question for those of us unable to visit the company would certainly be of value.

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02/21/07 6:26 AM

#64220 RE: J.C.N. #64170

I don't doubt that you visited CKYS HQ, but there's also no way to prove it, either.

What I do question is how a CEO of a company in the development stage can spend 3 hours with a few shareholders? The fact that he even scheduled 2 hours originally is suspect.

If CKYS is moving "head-on" against the SEC to disprove the charges, and is seriously involved in growing the company, he might have had time for 15 minutes or so. How can he afford to sit down for 3 hours with anyone?

Regarding his personality, I heard the same thing about Urban of CMKX. He came off as very sincere, always said the shareholders were first, and was very approachable. The cult followers loved him and were outraged if anyone questioned his management of the company or his sincerity. Then he stole millions from us shareholders with this scam.

Not saying CKYS is a scam, but at best it seems to be mismanaged and dysfunctional. Jim may be in way over his head with ever-increasing product diversity and lack of capacity.
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02/21/07 7:02 AM

#64223 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Thanks Brent, good to see back posting on the board. eom
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02/21/07 7:02 AM

#64224 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Brentjanice, So your trying to tell us JP sat with you and the wife all day and things are fine and dandy. I think you convinced me to buy some shares today. LOL Wheres the info dude? If the SEC was all set then why does the Formal inquiry continue. Where is the mention of the 25 mill PO in the PR's. Did they really make any money last year and where are all of the contracts Jim was yapping about that were coming Q406? What is the preferred share to common conversion rate? What is the status of the buyback or are they selling shares. How many share OS and in the float? C'mon dude, dont tell me you sat and had some tea. 8)
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02/21/07 7:22 AM

#64226 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Brent, thank you for the update. Have a good day.
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02/21/07 9:08 AM

#64253 RE: J.C.N. #64170

there have been what appeared to be very legitimate questions that have always been speculated on and never confirmed - so far as this reader can tell...that especially most longs would love to find out ( i would think )..

whether it's patent #'s, how the military 3rd party thing works, the strange unaudited financials etc those 5 hours, did you attempt to get clear answers to those questions and if you did, what are the answers?

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02/21/07 10:54 AM

#64363 RE: J.C.N. #64170

Thank you guys. Did Janice Hill also visit CKYS?
If yes, I would like to hear from her too
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02/21/07 10:56 AM

#64365 RE: J.C.N. #64170


In reply to: None
Date:2/20/2007 11:25:49 PM
Post #of 64363

For those who are shareholders or are interested in being shareholders this is for you. (All others need not apply as the position is filled)

The trip to St. George with Blockman and my wife to meet with CKYS was excellent. This is my second trip to the CKYS headquarters and I am resolved in my belief that the company is real and doing well.

Hey if you do not feel this way that is fine. It was my dime traveling both times to visit with CKYS and my wife and I walked away very impressed.

Impressed enough to buy more shares today and have another order in for tomorrow. Anyway Jim said to blockman my wife and me that ANYONE yes anyone could visit the company.

We spent 5 hours together visited his home met his children and wife, went to lunch, toured the headquarters again and this time the whole upstairs was finished with people in the cubicles taking internet orders and doing sales. Originally he had two hours scheduled for Janice,Blockman and me. So he took an additional three hours to get to know us and us him better.

I am a shareholder who has chosen to visit with a company that I own shares in and continue to add at these reduced prices. My choice. Not here to debate or have a disagreement.

Posting this of my own choice. For those who have not done your DD or decide you know more than three shareholders who visited the company personally well so be it. You can be a know it all and I will just be a future IMHO wealthy CKYS shareholder. My choice.

Sat in Jim's new office and he handed us a copy of the Super Bowl Magazine with the full page ad. He also said he was receiving the NBA magazine soon also.

Is the man perfect no..actually I like that he is real and not perfect. Do I believe that he will be successful...absolutely.

He has addressed the SEC issue head on and has moved on. IMHO and based on what he shared the issue with the SEC was absolutely unfounded and unsubstantiated and was satisfied with facts by CKYS.(Do your own DD on the SEC stuff. I did mine and am satisfied beyond question)

We are trading and in time we should see this IMHO as a bump in the road.

For those who care about success and CKYS as a shareholder I wish you all well and if you have time drop in and see Jim and CKYS in St. George. If you just want to complain about this or that well you probably should buy SQUM or some other stock you think will be much more successful than little ole CKYS.

I am happy, content and really enjoyed my time. I feel good about A.F.'s coming out and we have a growing company.

All of the above post is my opinion and my DD and is not intended for the dissemination or dissection by anyone in any way to either buy, sell or bash CKYS. Do your own work. Visit the company. There is an open invitation.

No I do not have time frames, know when A.F.'s will or won't be out etc. I am a shareholder just like you and know what is in the PR's etc. and what has been put out by the company.

CKYS trip reinforced what has already been publicly put out or said in a PR. The time spent was mostly getting to know those in the company better and their thought process of what they are doing to continue to be successful.

My wife who is a 5th grade teacher can pick out someone who is not sincere very quickly. I think us guys call it a woman's intuition. Anyway she likes Jim alot and she used the word brilliant when she described him. Good enough for me and made me feel good about my initial assessment.

Blockman will be taking all my press calls and speaking engagements. The fee is $1.37 plus a ginsu knife. All other inquiries which are stupid in nature can be directed to the San Diego Zoo elephant dung cage.

Best to all
