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The ELTP King

07/15/23 10:23 PM

#382653 RE: HGilS #382650

Best outcome?

It's the ONLY outcome.

There's no way out for Nasrat except a buyout.

Also, Nasrat promised dollarland on MULTIPLE occasions.

He even said $3 per share if each bucket succeeds. (There are 3 buckets: ART, SunGen, Elite's ANDAs)

We are now down to 1.5 buckets. (1 - Elite's ANDAs, .5 - The Adderalls - Formerly SunGen)

Therefore, the expectation is now $1.50.

However, we'll let Nasrat slide and cut off 50 cents.

So the expectation is still dollarland, as in exactly $1.

This would be the best outcome for all.