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07/15/23 1:08 PM

#449090 RE: livefree_ordie #449089

once again, you really need to clean up your word salad posts. They serve no purpose and leave the reader more confused than enlightened.

I have no idea what the hell you are talking about or if you are even trying to make a point outside of disruption.

I need to order a new decoder ring to figure your shit out.

edit: oh and if you are just yelling into your phone using talk to text, either you have marbles in your mouth or your spellcheck feature is seriously fucked up. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


07/15/23 2:06 PM

#449095 RE: livefree_ordie #449089

You must of enjoyed the depression, and having it last for 10 years, and creating so much misery and death for millions of Americans. No true advancement occurred, and the rise of Hitler, Mussolini plunged the world into a World War. Why because people needed some extra money to rebuild their lives when Capitalism learned the hard way that government oversight and regulation was needed to curb excess speculation.

Once again it is so easy to disagree with you. America needs to cultivate all of the other countries of the world. To find their way of using Capitalism and good Government to advance their populations. This is the way all of those Billions of people will find their own paths to a life where we all use trade to advance one another's culture.

China is using funds to advance the Silk Road around the world. So, if America does not take the lead in showing Capitalism and world trade as a way of keeping the peace between nations. But then you have to open your eyes and see the big picture.

The world and civilization marches forward, we cannot close our borders and think that we can survive without working with the world. Most American's travel the world, and much of the world also wants to travel, you cannot do that if you do not engage them in practices like trade, the arts, and culture.

As for money, it is just fucking paper, it is a tool to exchange for making life better. That is all it is. Money is something we just create through Capitalism, a way of making sure every American finds his or her way in creating a life that advances themselves, their families, and in turn America itself.

Steve Jobs is probably the greatest example of it in my lifetime. He simply created the tools that allow not only America, but the entire world to take giant steps forward. These smart phones are devices to allow anyone to be so much more productive, and to do it so easily.

As for corruption with handouts, it happens all of the time, someone is always there to exploit the system. But please do not mention Trump and Biden in the same sentence. Trump took monies for himself.

Biden has taken money to advance Infrastructure all over America, and the Chip's Act is making sure that America is at the forefront of technology. Even my new refrigerator has Computer Chips that are now being made in America.

Lastly, China is a developing country, but a very big one, too bad trump fucked up America's relationship with a trade war that he lost. Trump the only American President to lose in a trade war by not trading with countries of the world.