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07/16/23 8:45 AM

#199683 RE: aandt #199679

Here's the issue. The company and company leadership expected it to be better. I'm fact, they expected it to be much better. Love the bs narrative being painted here that somehow the schills have been painting a picture of bad tidings when it's been the opposite every time. The company, via art and Gary have claimed millions in revenue we're coming. All the schills rejoice and claim it's evidence the company is doing well. Company fails to deliver on any of it, actually does much worse, and now the honest among them have been tempering expectations all along. The same schills who claimed the Nigerian coolant was legit after looking into them, only to later back track and claim someone told them they were legit lol

The gigs up man. Hopefully said schills see some jail time in the near future. That's about all any legitimate shareholders of this likely criminal organization can realistically look forward to. GL.