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On March 19, 2023, the Company entered into an Exclusive Global Supply Agreement with Liquidnano, Inc. an industry leader in
Liquid Glass Screen Protection for mobile devices. These wipe-on products provide scratch, shatter, and impact resistance to all types
of handheld device screens. Under the terms of the agreement, Liquidnano, Inc. (the “Distributor”) must purchase at least $725,000
USD of Product during the first twelve (12) months following execution of the Agreement, $1,495,000 USD of Product within months
thirteen (13) to twenty-four (24), and $2,810,000 within months twenty-five (25) to thirty-six (36), where month one (1) starts on the
first day of the calendar month immediately following the Effective Date. Volume targets beyond that will be mutually agreed upon
but shall be at least $2,810,000 USD per year. If the volume target is missed, the agreement will become nonexclusive unless at least
75% of the annual minimum is achieved, in which case the exclusivity is not revoked. However, the shortfall must be made up the
following year or the Agreement becomes non-exclusive