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07/12/23 8:33 PM

#35935 RE: Naught #35934

Yea Naught I agree that wasn't a real good source lol :) I was in a hurry only had few minutes before going out the door to work just wanted to post something to show i was still here! I am not a pro vax person really or anti vax kinda in between I guess. I think it is Fk uped how they got everyone believing if your vaccinated your completely safe if you get covid again and one thing that is a fact is some people are still getting Long covid even if vaccinated...
So whatever no biggie nothing to argue about lol.

Ps. Was glad to see Cw finally say something, me to took 2 days off depressed as fck last few days of last week even my occasional 6 shots of whatever wouldnt help or the damn vaping ...I think I will be holding the rest of my shares see what the hell happens but not holding just for there mushroom part lol...
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07/13/23 5:34 AM

#35937 RE: Naught #35934

The Lancet is not a trusted publication.

You mean the same compromised rag that refused to peer review the research paper on the effects of the ""shots"" by one of, if not the most, peer reviewed doctors today, ie Peter Mccullough, but instead removed it from their publication???

Like I said in my previous post......its CYA TIME for many of the scum that pushed the now debunked garbage narrative.

On another note just waiting on the sidelines for mf to say something or news to drop re buccy so Im definitely not selling a share no matter what the local burros fact will keep adding since I expect at least a 5+baggy from these levels.

Until then will simply sit here and revel in the stupidity on display by the resident crew of numpts spewing all forms of garbage day in day out.

One would think some would have better things to do than waste their time here daily on this supposedly ""dead" stock, but then again I have my suspicions. lololsss

Note: In anticipation of the usual dumb comments.......all my current revive holdings are FREE because unlike many, I wasnt sitting idly by and admiring the volatility since 2020.
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07/14/23 3:23 PM

#35941 RE: Naught #35934

The unvaxed that got Covid19 have a worse case of the Micro blood clots (over 1 million of them died in the USA alone) than the vaccinated that got only mild cases of covid19. It is in the research data shared here early this year.

Bucillamine dissolves the blood clots safely.

Connect the dots. It is not that hard.