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07/11/23 3:11 PM

#398404 RE: Hazelhurst #398403

Yeah. Agreement was in July 2019. Crazy indeed. I think they tweaked formulation to.

1 million payment upon phase 3 start
1 Million market approval filing
3 million upon approval fda
1 million upon EMA approval.
3 million upon 100 million net sales
6 million upon 200 million net sales
9 million upon 300 million net sales.
With 6% royalty sales.

There is a pulse. Lol


07/11/23 7:05 PM

#398405 RE: Hazelhurst #398403

I don't see why Covid would have had any significant reason for AS not to be able to develop a simple gel, foam, or other type application method in a timely matter. I have thought that B would not travel throughout the whole body but the application would make it only for the tissues in the last few feet of the colon so it should have been a very easy P2 to develop and have excellent results.

As such, I have thought IPIX were idiots not to put some time line on AS to perform or lose their rights to the postsigmoid (sp?) treatment. I could be wrong on this but still feel AS has been next to useless in moving B (IBD) forward.

My main interest now is for S. America to really push for a B application as an anti-fungal. It is in both our interests for them to light some fire in this rocket that is not going to happen thru the FDA IMO.
Once it works in S.America maybe someone in the US medical power scheme will stop whoever or whatever agency that has currently put a lid on pursuing B in a timely manner.

What do we have now, about 3 months before the results of the antiviral study in regards to about 100 viruses can be put out? And the ludicrous, insane reason given for the delay was for some damn student wanted it used for their thesis or some such BS?

Pretty easy to see I am still mighty pissed off over the whole IPIX state of affairs. Leo and the FDA are the two main reasons for me being so upset.