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07/08/23 9:31 PM

#155836 RE: Law of Averages #155835

"Chart" hahaha. Oh how I do like to check in here from time to time for a good laugh.

Saying this has a good chart is like saying that the condition of someone with an ECG that's still flat-lining after ten minutes can only improve from here.


1) Trading volume has all but dried up because there's no bid support and no-one wants to buy this at any price knowing it's getting delisted even from the OTC bottom tier.
2) It would take but a few thousand bucks at the very most to paint this up 2 or 3 bids (which I'm guessing would satisfy your prediction that the price can only go up), so anyone wanting to throw more money down the toilet, can easily do so.
3) Marking the close to promote the price by a bid or two, does not in any way constitute evidence of a recovery in the stock price. The ensuing Hammer candlestick that this would create in the chart would be completely meaningless.

RSI, MACD, BB's MA's all bunkum where this sham (sorry stock) is concerned.

To coin some brilliant writing re. TTCM:

"E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!!"This is an ex-penny stock. It has ceased to be!!"

On your silly point directly. Saying "My Chart tells a much .....blah blah" does nothing. If you want to get technical, there are people on here, I'll wager can run rings around you, myself included. You provide zero analysis anyway, so stop trying to play kidology with the board that this company has any chance of a revival, based on technicals. It's complete BS.

I'll tell you what will happen next.

TTCM has been sucked dry. They can't get a name change done to continue dumping dubious tech license agreements into it for the purpose of selling the shares and monetizing worthless assets.

So, TTCM will be allowed to die off to the Expert Market (and good riddance to bad rubbish), and then they'll go looking for another shell company to rename ARtelligence (or A r another name) and execute this strategy. There are plenty of candidates.

Buy this now at your peril.