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07/03/23 10:05 AM

#448424 RE: livefree_ordie #448423

livefree_ordie: OK, you convinced me!!! I'll keep plenty of nitro on hand!!!!


07/03/23 10:57 AM

#448427 RE: livefree_ordie #448423

Then why do people like you support Putin and his buddy Trump, and the rest of the Republicans who do not want America and NATO fighting in Ukraine.


07/03/23 11:09 AM

#448428 RE: livefree_ordie #448423

As soon as Trump, the leader of the Republican Party is in jail, maybe then the Republicans can finally be on the right side of the law in America.


07/03/23 11:30 AM

#448431 RE: livefree_ordie #448423

There is no middle path for RW ideologues much less consideration for others, especially those unlike themselves,

The exemplar of self-interestedness, Dorito Mussolini, is facing many swords of justice. His presidential hopes are in retrograde and the house that he is moving towards is the big one.

Extreme self-interest meets the sword of justice as we attempt to find a middle path between brave pioneering and consideration for others.


07/03/23 3:37 PM

#448459 RE: livefree_ordie #448423

livefree_ordie - "Energy blast
What is the content of the forecast itself? According to the hypnotist Elena Buckingham, who commented on the prediction of Sedik Afgan, an energy explosion will occur on Earth, which should cleanse the planet of the so-called servants of darkness and other negative people.
According to the hypnotist, these people will not be able to handle the vibrations, which is why on July 17th, many heart attacks are expected around the world.

You must be kidding to put any trust in garbage as that. July 17, i'll get the date before
you. How does that guy account for that. He Looks just another shyster to me:

The “New Nostradamus”: Did He Tell Putin To Go On with the War?

12/20/2022Massimo Introvigne
Russian propaganda claims that controversial mathematician and “prophet” Sediq Afghan told Putin “not to step back from the special operation.”

by Massimo Introvigne

Sediq Afghan. From Twitter.

It is not about the Orthodox Church only. Russian propaganda has used predictions allegedly made by Nostradamus .. .. and the Bulgarian seer Baba Vanga .. .. to argue that Putin’s victory has been described in metaphysical prophecies and is unavoidable.

Now, these prophecies are supplemented by one by Sediq Afghan, a mathematician from Afghanistan who claims to be “the Nostradamus of the 21st century.” Afghan allegedly predicted that “Putin should in no case step back from the special operation. Because otherwise, trouble awaits Russia.” These predictions are spread by Russian nationalist .. .. websites, Telegram channels, and other social media in waves that make it probable that an orchestrated propaganda is behind them.

Afghan is also reported as having predicted that in 2023 the whole East-West confrontation will be substantially changed by a new epidemic worse than the 2020 coronavirus, which would make the West largely forget about Ukraine. World War III will thus be avoided, although it is possible that it will start in 2055.

[Insert: A new epidemic. Is that to come with your July 17, 2023 energy blast? LOL, gee, i predict WW!!! could start in 2054. What absolute rubbish.]

Sediq Afghan will turn 97 in 2055 and perhaps will not be there to help the world with new predictions. At 58, he is already controversial enough. By tracking him on social media, it seems that in recent years he has lectured more often in Russia than in Afghanistan, although he has also lamented that in the past he has been mistreated, poisoned, and beaten by the Afghan police.

Sediq Afghan after he was poisoned in Afghanistan, or so he claimed on Twitter.

Although one can find websites hailing Afghan as a great mathematician and his World Philosophical Mathematical Research Center as a real scientific institution, critics have also noted that for most of his biographic details we have his word only. He claims to have earned a doctorate in the Soviet Union and to have been expelled from the country because he had correctly predicted its collapse, but those who looked for them did not find any evidence of his academic achievements. Nor can it be proved that, based on what he claims are mathematical models rather than magic, he predicted what he calls the 2014 “coup” in Ukraine and COVID-19.

The “Man of the Year” 2012 award from the award mill International Biographical Centre.

He boasts a 2012 award of “Man of the Year” by the International Biographical Centre of Ely, Cambridgeshire. However, the International Biographical Center is a notorious award mill, where you can buy awards for a fee. Other distinctions seem equally dubious.

Reporting the recent Russian tour of Afghan, December 2022. From Twitter.

Except perhaps one, announced on December 10 on social media: a first class medal by the office of President Putin, for his support to Russia and the special operation in Ukraine. This medal may even be genuine. After all, Afghan really contributes to another bizarre “special operation,” one that uses “prophecies” and “prophets” to support the aggression against Ukraine.

Sell you Sydney Harbor Bridge for five bucks.