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06/30/23 9:21 AM

#112107 RE: Ryan8 #112106

New Intro Box Update, See the Fraud Yourself

You can see the exhibits including:

1. Lying about the $100,000,000 backing the DSC Coin;
2. Insider Information stock pump and dump committed May 2021;
3. Management's scienter in concealing the $2,500,000 is revenue from the DSC coin sale from all manfatory disclosures;
4. Etherscan blcokchain proof of $2,500,000 in DSC Coin sales
5. $49,000,000 accounting error;
6. Illegal authorized common stock increase in violation of Wyoming law.

More than 15,000 minortiy shareholder had their investment stolen by a conspiracy of con artist, who's business model was printing 7,000,000,000 (7 billion shares) whil not producing 1 dime of revenue in 11 years.

These scumbags one and all belong in front of a Federal Judge answering for thier actions.