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06/28/23 5:34 PM

#209140 RE: janice shell #209126

It was a rhetorical question. The nuts and bolts of the situation is, those who have a monetary interest in Ihub need more membership to get ROI and profit from their efforts and risk.
Those who are against this change have no interest in the Hubs growth or profitability. If they stay the same size or lose members, it's of no cost to you or others, but it is to those who want to attract more eyes. If Ihub fails like RB, you'll just move on to another forum, and not give any thought as to the welfare of those who have tried to bring this site more revenues, and success
People will not join or come back if they just think they have to take the garbage that a few of you (not you as much) dish out day after day, over and over, post after post. They will simply take their $ and move on to sites that allow for a more spirited back and forth.
Janice, you have great skills researching companies. Why not use them in a more constructive way, not destructive? People don't like their investments attacked each and everyday without retort of any kind
Use you skills to find companies that have promise, that are investable, that do show promise. Be a builder and helps bring new blood to this site, not repel it away. It's always easier to tear down than to build up.
Ihub can be a good site again, but it will take giving people hope, not despair. The OTC being decimated was a huge blow to the people who posted here, but I know of folks who lost far far more in the higher exchanges, even tough they did ok in the OTC.
Admin, I think your changes would be beneficial, as I have stated before. I do not want to belabor the point, but you need more eyes, and it isn't working at this juncture.