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Penny Masters

06/28/23 11:53 AM

#262914 RE: Panzer #262913

But,,,but,,,Penny,,, the GRCU scheme is different this time. The SEC fines and stuff was old and the $2 million stolen from share holders does not matter.

This time is really going to be different cause,, cause,,, cause,, they have a new fancy CEO that tweets daily and,,, and,, they are in weed and gin and vodka and eye glasses sales and LOI's and Eye care centers and produce and this .000's company is buying many big companies that are worth gazillions and ,,, and ,,,,. They said it on the internet and,,, and,,, and,,, if it is on the internet, it must be true. They really mean it this time.GOOD GRIEF!!!

What a joke and cannot believe anyone would buy the "bullshit" again. Most can see and know what is real bullshit from the most recent news release. Who would put something like that out as a first attempt to dump shares? Please all do the DD on these as it is out there. Please do not lose more than you can afford to in these OTC cesspool plays.

Will you be the new and improved bag holder when the GRCU music stops or are you the old bag holder praying the BS works this time so you can get back to 75-90% losses and finally out? Hmmmm

Peace out