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11/10/03 12:07 PM

#28994 RE: ergo sum #28986

Then your a hypocrite. Augustine and the early church were a bunch of fanatic censorious book-burning murderers
Like i say i don't give a dammn what people think of me, i just give a damn about TRUTH.
I hold the dualistic rational of all gnosticism,esoteric christian and esoteric jewish and esoteric sufi and esoteric Parsi to have a far better sense than a faith based on a sick demented monotheistic LORD GAWD CREATOR RULER ,I MASTER, YOU SLAVES, type of GAWD.
The subservient kneel bending praise of one GAWD only, OUR creator, makers of Heaven and Earth, to be the noise of SLAVES inside a rotten and failed and false creation.
The fullness of the true God is ALL SEX and No Sex, Male Female and others.
And exists out side this hell hole.
And those , that through faith, succeed in rationalizing this place is not a horror do so ONLY out of FEAR.
Know any thing about the Kabalist mysteries of the cosmic disaster that trapped the seed of the eternal in the prison of a false world under the whip of a FALSE GAWD that rants "THOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER G-d BEFORE THEE"---these HERETICS exist as Jews and Christians and Muslims and Buddhist (and thank G-d, they do exist).
I am at bottomline a Buddhist rooted in Gnosticism, as Buddhism takes the critical step of denying the existence of "their creator", and dare suggest that G-d is NOT HERE, period.
This place but a SandPainting, an illussion, a trap to believe.
Your attack on Gnosticism's reveals you know nothing of it.
On reading Hans Kung, a first rate scholar, and what he said about Gnosticism, a negative attack, i realized on that matter he had comic book scholarship of the subject.
And his writings on , Augistine, just an apologia , rather than face it was a random chance bad mistake, and to say Augustine wrote inspirationally, and with wisdom an insult to the man Jesus.
People looking for who "killed Jesus", look to Augustine; he killed Jesus.