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80 bluchip 20 pot

06/22/23 9:30 AM

#73784 RE: Chip79 #73781

definitely not a bad PR. but there are pros and cons since now I actually do believe GPL and ballas are in cahoots as originally offered by Joe etc.

the good news is that apparently GPL is forgiving 1M of debt. Good,
bad news? but at last filing UBQU was 7M in debt. up from 5M last filing.
good news. they say they are going to file it july 15th...well sounds like we ain't going to expert!

sus news. the article IMPLIES that GPL is out of notes? I don't believe that for a second. the remaining 21B shares GPL is ready to dump.
also at this point, with ballas being CEO of IMTL and still technically the defunct GDET, we know ballas is just a pawn of venture capitalist GPL. he goes where he's told and takes the helms of many penny wrecks.

the possibly good news continues though. sure nobody who follows this board and sees the hate is going to start buying UBQU on this PR. BUT, at this point I don't think GPL is banking on us retailers buying. I believe the reason the SEC went after GPL larry adams was because ol GPL wasn't playing ball with kenny, and so kenny unleashed the hounds. UBQU, IMTL, GDET ...maybe xref as well, but about 8000 penny stocks in the OTC were meant, and this is just my opinion can't provie it, to swap, launder, and hide all kinds of fun as the way to cover on their toxic shorts on what is now just not memes, but gold silver, the freaking VOLATILITY INDEX so when now the government prints INFINITE new money until 2024 they can keep the top 10 megacaps floating indices up without getting their market crash and systemic failure.

so Kenny didn't like, in my opinion, ol larry adams screwing with his little pressure valves. hey, game stonk squeezing, heck cover 80K on 8000 stocks , game stonk will barely move, also so will UBQU barely move on those weird 8B days when we saw trip 1 trip 2 for a microsecond.

but now, perhaps GPL is cleaning up the books. I do think larry adams really did kick the bucket, so there's a new head of GPL whoever it is. and perhaps after cleaning up the books, it might force the few folks at the SEc not watching prawn all day to the symbol cusip changes, maybe review and approve a merger of IMTL and UBQU, uyou know. things that would force some of the mess on our shares structure to be resolved, thus maybe forcing 8-10B of buying, not from us retailers, and THEN GPL can dump....which yeah, it's criminal....but then ...technically on that pump, we holders here can sell and actually take profit..and then sit back and wait and see if it makes any sense to continue to ride the wave.

in the mean time, sure they've had the weirdest bull market as the government has printed 600 BILLION dollars in the last two weeks. manipulation perhaps. alledgedly supposedly, and the only stocks moving those indices up are FANGMAT stocks, megacaps.

sooner or later , someone has to buy the 5.5% fed bonds to legitimize the printed money. will retailers? doubtful. will CHINYA do it like in 2008? no way, man, in fact I think China is BETTING on US markets to fail because with the USA economic system in chaos, what resistance could the USA give to emperor xi taking a vacation in downtown Taipei that he's always wanted since his daddy chairman meow wanted since 1946. heh...sooner or later, the banks, hedgies and institutions are going to need to buy those bonds, and to do it they'll have to sell those artifically pumped FANGMAT stocks....
and then the fun really begins imo.
the middle class is out of money and when they do have money, they are buying gold silver and meme stocks.
slow bank run getting faster. 10B a quarter of retailer deposits going into unions instead, meme stocks, and cash hoarded in mattresses for all I know. sooner or later folks are going to en mass go ... 0.4% at b of A? I can get 3% at a credit union.
banks will continue to collapse, and then the fun begins imo.

it's a great day to be an UBQU holder, just my opinion.