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06/21/23 3:37 PM

#119294 RE: drumming4life #119293

Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(A)(ii) and 41(c), Plaintiff, Inc. (“VoIP-Pal”) and Defendants Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung Electronics America, Inc., and Samsung Austin Semiconductor, LLC (collectively, “Samsung”) hereby stipulate to dismissal of all claims by VoIP-Pal WITH prejudice and dismissal of all counterclaims by Samsung WITHOUT prejudice as moot, with each party to bear its own costs, expenses, and attorneys’ fees.”

No wonder Babs is selling shares hand-over-fist every single day.

The wonder is that she’s filing Form 4s. I wonder if all the insiders are filing Form 4s in a timely fashion?


06/21/23 3:37 PM

#119295 RE: drumming4life #119293

Or no agreement. This is getting depressing. We need some good news!

Warren Buffet wantabe

06/21/23 3:45 PM

#119298 RE: drumming4life #119293

This is becoming a problem for me.

We are seeing claims dropped and getting nothing in return. Plus the CEO's wife continues to sell shares. I still think VPLM has a great opportunity ahead. The October trial is when we will find out the future of the company. I expect that the share price will go on a run prior to the trial. I would expect a settlement prior to trial. The million dollar question is what settlement will we see. Will it be a settlement that ends with hundreds of millions to billions or will VIOP settle for nothing.

Hopefully the future is better than what we have seen thus far. Personally I would not have dropped these claims until we get some sort of settlement on other patent infringements.


06/21/23 4:46 PM

#119303 RE: drumming4life #119293

If they keep dismissing cases, why sue them: Samsung, Meta, GOOG, AAPL, T? Is someone buying them out?