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06/21/23 2:32 AM

#2098 RE: bong747 #2096

Great question-in short -Yes PPS can withstand

With $BDPT- it’s going to be about SUSTAINED VOLUME and DELIVERED FUNDAMENTALS. Word now that a corporate update /fundamental is imminent- and thus will bode well IMO as this stock already has the money flow/volume trend

Imo- There appears to be a window now after the Kramer dilutive trend that was set to hit end of May into June may now dissiapate - which I referenced in my DD post.

Intriguingly - The filings also spend a considerable amount of time explaining how their new marketing efforts for 2023 are taking hold and they added two new Directors onto their board who they are directly working with to utilize patents and marketing agreements for botanical product lines.

As for SALES- there is no doubt that a few of these products have delivered subpar/low volume sales. They even mention that in the filings. But what they also make clear was their methodology was all wrong/ their efforts were largely wasted / and they needed to try again. THEY STATED in BEGIN FEB- that 2023 - they would market different and online as well via ambassadors.


1- FROM THE 10Q- Since the latter part of March 2023-, the Company has started to explore the Botanical Drugs sphere. We intend to collaborate with Dr. Yaguang Liu, LY Research, who has had over 40 years of research and development in the Botanical Drugs area. Also, we plan to work with Dr. David Allen, the co- founder and President of the Botanical Drugs Association in this effort.

2- A- The Lung Flute™, especially when used with PrimiLungs™, shows promise. The device is an FDA-cleared Class II medical device that employs user-generated acoustic waves to loosen lung secretions for expulsion. In short, the device helps users clear their lungs. In conjunction with the anti-viral function of PrimiLungs™, the Lung Defense™ package presents great opportunities in view of current fears of an endemic viral environment. Samples of this device were shipped to Poland for consideration for hospital use.

B- In addition, they are investigating the use of a formulation of PluriPain® targeted toward the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome and menstrual pain. Anecdotal and testimonial reports have long noted that users obtain relief from these symptoms with use of the PluriPain® product, and we have made adjustments and additions to the formulation to target these symptoms. Early reports regarding “PluriPain-PMS” are promising, and we expect marketing efforts to emphasize the usefulness of the new products.

***The two directors they are added are world reknown in their fields and have lent the use of their patents to Dr Jacob’s so they can ALL jointly develop botanical products If you recall- was improved - and has experienced great results in both humans and animals.

In April 2023, Dr. Yaguang Liu of LY Research and Dr. David Allen joined the Company’s Board of Directors. Dr Liu is a renowned researcher and scientist in botanical drugs development with 32 patents under his name. Dr. David Allen, CEO of World Wellness, is a well-known developer and marketer of nutraceutical products, as well as being the co-founder and President of the American Botanical Drug Association. The Company intends to explore the botanical drug markets in both animal and human sectors. The Company also extended its participation in the Amazon marketplace where its human products, including the Lung Cleanser™, are now available. To further its animal marketing efforts, its LiveStock Impact Division signed an exclusive distribution agreement with the Flying C Bar Ranch (FCBR) Therapy Division to market its equine and canine products. FCBR is well established and connected with a substantial clientele of both walk-in and digital clients in the equine industry.


Since the latter part of March, the Company has started to explore the Botanical Drugs sphere. We intend to collaborate with Dr. Yaguang Liu, LY Research, who has had over 40 years of research and development in the Botanical Drugs area. Also, we plan to work with Dr. David Allen, the co- founder and President of the Botanical Drugs Association in this effort.

They are negotiating towards the acquisition of some of these formulations.

OTHER FUNDAMENTALS on the horizon /


A- They started to re-launch our internet-based marketing activities in Q1 2023, extending the individual product websites, revamping the Company’s website, continuing to explore wholesale, white-label opportunities and placing products on Amazon.

B- With regard to animal products, the Company’s Livestock Impact Division under the direction its President, Bruce Colclasure, a National Cutting Horse Association champion, who owns and operates the Flying C Bar Ranch in Oklahoma and a breeder and trainer of over 80 NCHA champion cutting horses, continues to explore new opportunities in this emerging market. Mr. Colclasure uses and endorses our Equine All-in-One™ and derivative booster products providing valuable feedback and testimonials regarding their benefits. In addition, a high-performance special formulation of our All-in-One product continues to be marketed with exceptional results. THEY expect to expand the outreach in 2023.

C- WORLD WELLNESS/ AI APP - integration to AI -at $BDPT - Weight Management System - April 2023.

Dr. David Allen said, “We are very excited about bringing this AI based technology to the market with BioAdaptives, Inc. Medical research has shown for years that body fat percentage is a better measure of overall health than just weight or body mass index (BMI) alone, but the tools that measure body fat percentage can be expensive or difficult to access. FIT YOUR OUTFIT (FYO) App lets users measure their own body fat percentage at home and the measurement is as accurate as methods a doctor would use.
The FIT YOUR OUTFIT (FYO) technology is probably the most innovative method for digitally determining body composition today. FYO is a worldwide available unique tool that determines body composition in a few minutes based on a single picture taken with a smartphone or any digital camera. Our proprietary and exclusive pixel sizing and counting method produce single color and real dimension silhouettes. The FYO invention is covered by International US and EU granted patents.”

Diligence Due

06/21/23 4:57 AM

#2101 RE: bong747 #2096

Of course it can, the notes this company has are very small compared to other stocks that have maintained multi penny runs over the years. Market cap under 1M is hilarious,

.005-.006 end of week is the likely scenario here imo