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06/26/23 11:42 AM

#379 RE: wow_happens28 #378

>> LAND <<

Not sure what's going on with LAND, but huge-mega volume last Friday.

With the metals, GLD and SLV were both near oversold last week, based on the RSIs (low 30s). So I figure it might be a decent time to add/accumulate some for the longer term.

With the agro plays WEAT and DBA, they both reached overbought with RSIs at mid 70s, so looks like it could be consolidation time. DBA already is, but the WEAT chart looks like it wants to reach the 200 MA first, so will see what happens :o) Lots of wildcard factors when it comes to the agro commodities..



07/27/23 2:45 PM

#381 RE: wow_happens28 #378

I see the farmland REITS (LAND, FPI) are getting whacked today, after FPI missed earnings. Looks like a considerable 'whiff', and the stock is down almost 12%. LAND also down 4%. As much as I'd like to have some diversification via the farmland / agro sector, these are just too volatile for my frazzled nerves, lol.

Fwiw, my mom's relatives had a 150 acre farm in Illinois years ago. I guess land qualifies as the ultimate 'hard asset', although increasingly it's being scooped up by big commercial farming outfits, and billionaires like Gates and Bezos.
