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06/16/23 4:30 AM

#1566 RE: DD_dempsey #1561

DD_dempsey Yes, they acquired the patent. Feb. 03, 2022 they entered into a definitive agreement with inventor Thomas J. Mohr acquired his U.S. Patent 9,783,432B, with a laboratory to develop consumer products that will be marketed by BioAdaptives and Forms Subsidiary, MORO2, Inc., to Create New Products. THE OPTION TO PURCHASE THE PATENT IS 2 YEARS.

(Patent # US 9,622,970 B2 ) for Eye Health due to Myopia and Presbyopia is valued at US$570,000,000 by Grant Thornton.” (Patent # us 8,114,444 B2 ) for glucose management. The patent has a valuation of US$210/m as valued by Grant Thornton Accounting Firm.

Grant Thornton Accounting Firm is ranked top 6th worldwide, rankings based on the revenue of USD 7.2 billion.

The International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) has published its 2023 World Survey and we are pleased to share that Grant Thornton is ranked 6th in the global rankings based on revenue and headcount. Globally, we have recorded a revenue of USD 7.2 billion (up by 13.7% from prior year) and a headcount of 68,000 (up by 9.6% from prior year).

FROM THE 10-Q - 08/2022
Effective November 15, 2021, the Company entered into a marketing agreement for an FDA-cleared Class II medical device, the Lung Flute™. The Company is also exploring agreements with other medical device manufacturers; the owners of intellectual property relating to medical devices and processes; and marketing companies associated with these manufacturers and owners.

The Lung Flute™ is a FDA-cleared Class II medical device that has been cleared by the FDA for both diagnostic and therapeutic use in the U.S. and has received the CE mark clearance for use in the European Union1. It facilitates effective airway clearance by generating and delivering a specific low-frequency sound that vibrates the airways and lung secretions, causing lung secretions to thin and become more mobile2. It is used to help clear respiratory tract secretions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which results in an improved quality of life1

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06/20/23 7:40 AM

#1909 RE: DD_dempsey #1561

$BDPT: Why Now? 7 POTENTIAL MAJOR REASONS For the Escalating Rise in PPS toward its true Market Value

So as we get our morning started - let’s grab that pot of coffee and get started here together on this journey through the vast DD landscape of $BDPT.

As always - I find it prudent to start with a few important disclaimers when dealing in the OTC;
1- There are myriad factors that can affect a microcap stock’s ability to realize and then maintain a substantial increase in pps. As the story progresses, the stock’s potential may be affected positively or negatively. Some of these factors can be assessed but quite a few go largely unknown to us, the investing public. It’s best one does as much due diligence as they can on their own —to validate claims or theories.

2- NO matter how good the DD is how compelling it may be… ultimately it’s nothing over time without proper COMPANY EXECUTION.
EXECUTION needs to be timely and effective and examples include but are not limited to; corporate fundamentals or filings, news and material events and/or social media communications. WHEN A COMPANY executes effectively by the aforementioned; the shareholders and perspective investors are given more information to conduct proper due diligence viz a vis Disclosures.

The importance of full disclosure in the OTC and SEC financial markets is essential. It is because:

A- Ensures transparency

Increased transparency in the OTC corporations’ operations and management makes it easier for investors to make informed decisions. It also cuts down on the possibility of manipulation or misuse of investors’ funds.

B- Allows investors to make informed decisions

Full disclosure of relevant information by businesses helps investors make informed decisions. It decreases the sentiment of mistrust and speculation and increases investor confidence as they feel fully prepared to make investment decisions with transparency in information at hand.

C- Reduces uncertainty in the OTC market

Full disclosure also reduces uncertainty to a great extent in the market. Uncertainty is one of the most prominent reasons for market volatility. When there is full disclosure by an OTC stock in the market, there is an increased level of overall certainty in the market, thereby decreasing volatility levels and bringing in stability, to some extent, in the market.

SO WHAT ARE SOME of the Potential Reasons for the escalating rise in PPS at $BDPT- toward its true market value ?


THE decision by $BDPT management 4 years ago to start submiting AUDITED financials and all disclosures as a current SEC REGISTRANT was a direct example of management’s willingness to provide Full SEC Disclosure to its shareholders despite only being listed on the OTC markets exchange. This decision has enabled shareholders access to essential mandatory disclosures about management and new directors, patents and right to use, products for sale and other material events in a very timely manner. Imo- that has built shareholder faith that they will continue to communicate effectively with any material updates about their company.
Ex: This company issued 8 press releases in 1 month from 3/23 to 4/20 in 2023 to announce 2 new prestigious directors, 3 new license/marketing deals and a potential stock subsidiary spinoff.

2- THE MOVE FROM DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE company to one that’s Revenue Producing;

When analyzing a microcap’s chance at potential, it’s always easy to get lost in their UNFLATTERING Financials, derivatives and loans. It’s essential to the overall DD but equally important to put that debt feature in perspective. The key here is with products coming to market- and a brand new marketing and sales campaign in place for 2023 -$BDPT has moved to a different corporate stage.

What’s critical here is that PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS. Their debts and obligations secured during the developmental stage have largely resulted in the current SS today and its necessity to maintain the 1.25bil AS. IMO- it was that satisfaction of debt that brought the cost down to a severely undervalued level.

FURTHER: for the OTC- 1.25Bil is still a very attractive AS and the OS currently listed around 420mil as of 5/31 - presents an opportunity for a continued accelerated rise from its current PPS.

If the financiers here (Kramer) allows this stock to breathe - heck - even puts a plug in any real overhang, this stock has a chance to accelerate to its proper market value which would result in a substantially higher PPS.

3- MAJOR MATERIAL EVENTS in early 2023 BEFORE THE EVENTS in March/April 2023!

THE STOCK HAS UNDENIABLY presented several key Fundamentals so far in 2023 that, until now, had not materialized in an escalated rise in pps.

LETS TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT WHAT THIS COMPANY HAS BEEN DOING- BEFORE the announcement of NEW DIRECTORS, NEW LICENSES and Sales/Marketing agreements - with expanded offerings in both HUMAN and ANIMAL product lines;

$BDPT current product line for humans includes PluriPain®, PrimiLungs™, SleepEZ™, MindnMemory™ and Cell Rejuven™.  Cell Rejuven™ the most recently launched product is an anti-aging cell rejuvenation formulation. They also market the Lung Cleanser™ and PrimiLungs™ product in a Lung Armor™ packaging, emphasizing the anti-viral properties of the nutraceutical and general respiratory health benefits from use of the non-invasive FDA-cleared device.  MindNMemory™ is a nootropic formulation designed to enhance mental clarity and memory; SleepEZ™ is a natural soporific that aids relaxation and sleep quality.  They acquired the SleepEZ™ license in 2021 as PrimiSleep™, and the revised formulation for MindnMemory™ during 2022, and have commenced marketing activities for these products.  Decision was also made with Lung Cleanser™ to concentrate in marketing device through wholesale channels instead.

$BDPT animal products include an Equine All-in-One™ formulation, which they market to trainers, horse owners and boarding stables, and a Canine All-in-One™ that we market directly to consumers.  Anecdotal and testimonial reports are that the equine products provide significant relief from exercise induced pulmonary hemorrhaging, as well as improved coat and mane appearance and hoof health.  The canine products have demonstrated significant rejuvenating benefits for older dogs, improving overall appearance and energy levels.

BUT NOW… NEW IN 2023- DIRECT FROMT THE LAST FILING. read these developments found in the last filing…

A- The Lung Flute™, especially when used with PrimiLungs™, shows promise.  The device is an FDA-cleared Class II medical device that employs user-generated acoustic waves to loosen lung secretions for expulsion.  In short, the device helps users clear their lungs.  In conjunction with the anti-viral function of PrimiLungs™, the Lung Defense™ package presents great opportunities in view of current fears of an endemic viral environment. Samples of this device were shipped to Poland for consideration for hospital use.
B- In addition, we are investigating the use of a formulation of PluriPain® targeted toward the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome and menstrual pain.  Anecdotal and testimonial reports have long noted that users obtain relief from these symptoms with use of the PluriPain® product, and we have made adjustments and additions to the formulation to target these symptoms.  Early reports regarding “PluriPain-PMS” are promising, and we expect marketing efforts to emphasize the usefulness of the new products.

C- With regard to animal products, in 2020, the Company formed the Livestock Impact Division, which entered into a business relationship with Livestock Impact, Inc.  They also entered into a Marketing and Licensing Agreement with the owners of these products providing us with exclusive rights to market these products. The President of the Division is Bruce Colclasure, a National Cutting Horse Association champion who owns and operates the Flying C Bar Ranch, and is the breeder and trainer of over 80 NCHA champion cutting horses.  Mr. Colclasure uses and endorses our Equine All-in-One™, Equine All-in One™ Plus and Equine All-in-One™ Extreme products and provides valuable feedback and testimonials regarding its function.  In addition, a high-performance formulation of our All-in-One product has been and is used by quarter horse trainers at facilities in Oklahoma and New Mexico, with excellent results.  We expect to use these results in our marketing efforts in 2023 and to expand our outreach program.

LIVESTOCK IMPACT - SPINOFF COMING? - what is this valuable division using PRIMICELL ?


**** Let’s take an IN-DEPTH look at PRIMICELL:

*PRIMICELL study can be found here -

**Bottom Line: Based on multiple tests in multiple countries, PrimiCell® works on Humans, Horses, Hogs, Dogs, Mice & Farm Animals.

LIST of Products sold:

4- MATERIAL EVENTS at $BDPT in March and April 2023 impacted the potential here positively IMO

In April 2023, Dr. Yaguang Liu of LY Research and Dr. David Allen joined the Company’s Board of Directors. Dr Liu is a renowned researcher and scientist in botanical drugs development with 32 patents under his name. Dr. David Allen, CEO of World Wellness, is a well-known developer and marketer of nutraceutical products, as well as being the co-founder and President of the American Botanical Drug Association. The Company intends to explore the botanical drug markets in both animal and human sectors. The Company also extended its participation in the Amazon marketplace where its human products, including the Lung Cleanser™, are now available. To further its animal marketing efforts, its LiveStock Impact Division signed an exclusive distribution agreement with the Flying C Bar Ranch (FCBR) Therapy Division to market its equine and canine products. FCBR is well established and connected with a substantial clientele of both walk-in and digital clients in the equine industry.



Since the latter part of March,  the Company has started to explore the Botanical Drugs sphere.  We intend to collaborate with  Dr. Yaguang Liu, LY Research, who has had over 40 years of research and development in the Botanical Drugs area. Also, we plan to work with Dr. David Allen, the co- founder and President of the Botanical Drugs Association in this effort.
While we continue to investigate and acquire nutraceutical products for humans and animals, all of our current activities are reliant on marketing and distributing products developed and owned by others. Currently, we do not own the formulations for our key products and manufacture and market them under an agreement with the developer that requires payment of a royalty and a license agreement. We are negotiating towards the acquisition of some of these formulations.


A- They started to re-launch our internet-based marketing activities in Q1 2023, extending the  individual product websites, revamping the Company’s website, continuing to  explore wholesale, white-label  opportunities and placing products on Amazon.

B- With regard to animal products, the Company’s Livestock Impact Division under the direction its President, Bruce Colclasure, a National Cutting Horse Association champion, who owns and operates the Flying C Bar Ranch in Oklahoma and a breeder and trainer of over 80 NCHA champion cutting horses, continues to explore new opportunities in this emerging market.  Mr. Colclasure uses and endorses our Equine All-in-One™ and derivative booster products providing valuable feedback and testimonials regarding their benefits.  In addition, a high-performance special formulation of our All-in-One product continues to be marketed with exceptional results.  THEY expect to expand the outreach in 2023.

C- WORLD WELLNESS/ AI APP - integration to AI -at $BDPT - Weight Management System - April 2023.

Dr. David Allen said, “We are very excited about bringing this AI based technology to the market with BioAdaptives, Inc. Medical research has shown for years that body fat percentage is a better measure of overall health than just weight or body mass index (BMI) alone, but the tools that measure body fat percentage can be expensive or difficult to access.  FIT YOUR OUTFIT (FYO) App lets users measure their own body fat percentage at home and the measurement is as accurate as methods a doctor would use.
The  FIT YOUR OUTFIT (FYO) technology is probably the most innovative method for digitally determining body composition today. FYO is a worldwide available unique tool that determines body composition in a few minutes based on a single picture taken with a smartphone or any digital camera. Our proprietary and exclusive pixel sizing and counting method produce single color and real dimension silhouettes. The FYO invention is covered by International US and EU granted patents.”



BioAdaptives, Inc. (OTCMkts:  BDPT) announced today the signing of a non-exclusive license agreement with LY Research Corporation to market a patented resveratrol product (patent US # 6,855,353) for animals and humans.


BioAdaptives, Inc. (OTC BDPT) Announces the Appointment of Flying C Bar Ranch Therapy Division as Its Exclusive Marketing Agent for Its LiveStock Impact Line of Performance Equine and Pet Supplements

See the agreement here;


- ALSO Disclosed -April 2023- DR LIU- and $BDPT- to market a patented product (Patent # US 9,622,970 B2 ) for Eye Health due to Myopia and Presbyopia.

Announced the signing of a second non-exclusive license agreement with LY Research Corporation to market a patented product (Patent # US 9,622,970 B2 ) for Eye Health due to Myopia and Presbyopia. This Patent is a liposome and sustained release polymeric micelles preparation that improves the solubility of lutein.

About LY Research Corporation
LY Research Corporation is a privately owned company founded by Dr. Yaguang Liu in New Jersey. The Company is mainly engaged in the development, manufacturing and marketing of botanical drug products and nutraceuticals in China, Europe, and the U.S. Within the past decade, LY Research and its owner, Dr. Liu has received 32 patents from the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office for safe natural botanicals, used for treatment of Alzheimer’s, Cardiovascular, Myopia and other conditions. Dr. Liu was born and educated in the People’s Republic of China. He graduated from Fudan University, Shanghai and had been a visiting Professor at the Department of Medicine of the University of Chicago. He established the Molecular Medicine Institute in China and was a director of this institute. He has authored four books: (1) An Investigation of the Combined Theories of Chinese and Western Medicines from the Angle of Molecular Biology; (2) Molecular Biology in Heart Disease; (3) Principles of Theoretical Medicine; and (4) Natural Science and the Theory of Chinese Medicine.


LY Research Patent # US 8,114,444 B2 is Valued at US$210,000,000
LAS VEGAS, NV, March 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NewMediaWire – BioAdaptives, Inc. (OTCMkts:  BDPT) announced today the signing of a non-exclusive license agreement with LY Research Corporation to market a patented product (Patent # us 8,114,444 B2 ) for glucose management.
Edward Jacobs, M.D.,CEO BioAdaptives, Inc., comments, “We are very excited to be working with Dr. Yaguang Liu, LY Research, in bringing this breakthrough glucose balance and glycemic wellness supplement to the market.  Dr. Liu is considered to be one of the world’s top botanical product experts.

E- MORE on the TWO DIRECTORS brought on in March/April 2023.

David Allen, PhD is a visionary futurist and wellness pioneer. He is CEO of World Wellness and co-founder and President of the American Botanical Drug Association. The ABDA is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization that collaborates with research institutes and companies around the world to develop safe and efficacious botanical products, including prescription botanical drugs, through the FDA botanical drug development pathway. David Allen is also a board member of L.Y. Research Corporation, a global leader in botanical drug discovery. The Core Strategy of L.Y. Research Corporation is to develop prescription botanical drugs and dietary supplements from plant materials, algae, macroscopic fungi, and combinations thereof. This approach is supported by FDA regulatory guidelines, favoring a more efficient drug development pathway for prescription botanical drug products. The strategy in pursuing Botanical Molecules is the shared premise that a patient should not have to recover twice, that is, once from the underlying disease and then again from the prescribed medicine. Dr. Yaguang Liu, Founder and Chairman of L.Y. Research Corporation, is also a Board Member of BioAdaptives.

REASON #7- With a better understanding of the $BDPT PATENTS - right to use / marketing / licensing deals adds intrinsic value …

They are already licensing and product placing. But what I just discovered - is that they are also in process of purchasing those Patents for IP also. I’m trying to confirm if that have negotiated that out already. But that is massive IMO

RIGHTS TO USE- - 1- Additionally, the company acquired patent rights to a method to embed oxygen in water and is developing commercial products based on this technology that will augment and complement our current product lines.

In February 2022, the Company acquired US Patent rights to a process that increases dissolved oxygen in water. The process produces MorO2, ingestion of which is believed to increase diffusion of oxygen into muscle tissues. The Company is developing a business plan to manufacture and market products based on the MorO2 technology.

2- Effective February 2, 2022, the Company acquired the option to purchase U.S. Patent No. 9,783,432B (the “Patent”), covering technology used in enhancing the capability of water to hold significantly larger amounts of oxygen. Since June 6, 2022, we entered into a services agreement with Wildpack Beverages in Las Vegas, Nevada to co-pack a pilot run (1333 cases) of this Product.

Effective February 2, 2022, the Company acquired the exclusive option to purchase U.S. Patent No. 9,783,432B (the “Patent”), covering technology used in enhancing the capability of water to hold significantly larger amounts of oxygen. The Agreement also allows the Company a two-year license to use the technology covered by the Patent, including for further development of oxygenated water products for consumers. The Agreement is more fully discussed in the Company’s Form 8-K filed on February 6, 2022. The Company intends to develop consumer products using the oxygenation technology, and has formed a wholly-owned subsidiary, MORO2, Inc. to conduct these activities.

AND NOW LETS LOOK AT THAT 8K - on the SEC EDGAR- $400k Option price!

Effective February 2, 2022, the Company entered into a Patent Purchase Agreement and Consulting Agreement with Thomas J. Mohr. Under the Agreement, the Company has the exclusive option to purchase Mohr’s U.S. Patent No. 9,783,432B (the “Patent”), which covers technology used in enhancing the capability of water to hold significantly larger amounts of oxygen, for a two-year period. The option price is $400,000

. The Agreement furthermore allows the Company a two-year license to use the technology covered by the Patent, including for further development of oxygenated water products for consumers. In exchange for the license, the Company will pay Mohr a royalty, scaled to total product sales.

The Agreement also calls for Mohr to provide consultant/inventor services to the Company during the option period, which may include establishing a research laboratory and prototype manufacturing facility. Among other things, Mohr will assist the Company in developing additional consumer products using the oxygenation technology and provide technical services for manufacture, installation, and use of production machinery. Mohr will be paid a monthly cash stipend. In addition, Mohr allows the Company rights as to inventions created during the Agreement.

The Company will exploit the Patent and Mohr’s consulting services through a newly established wholly-owned subsidiary, MORO2, Inc.


The patents info:

IN CONCLUSION - there are clearly a ton of reasons to like the prospects here of a continued escalation in PPS.
One should note that the amount of Fundamentals that occurred in March/April IS VERY INTRIGUING and one could conceivably expect updates on many of those now- 2-3 months later. It is my strong opinion— that there is far too now going on under the hood at $BDPT- and that if they continue with corporate updates and communication and minimize and dilutive trend - this stock has a chance to matriculate to much higher levels than the current pps.
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11/18/23 6:43 PM

#20185 RE: DD_dempsey #1561

Dempsey, what's your feel on patents here? $BDPT owns patents to the MorO2 tech and is attempting to dial in the product line, as stated in their most recent Q3. There's another patent too I's escaping me at the moment.