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06/15/23 5:59 PM

#1067 RE: Omar8 #1066

He has never addressed any of the realities/dynamics of the silver market - not once. He whines over his poor decisions and moans the end of democracy when there hadn't been any since the 1850's. He boasts the iHub equamimity and lacks the prowess of simple math. He is the perfect loser following Western media and the government for advice.


06/15/23 6:08 PM

#1068 RE: Omar8 #1066

Yeah, You are totally right. When I see somebody posting EXACTLY what the metal salesmen say with no independent thought. I jump in. All the predictions that are exactly what the metal salesmen say. Word for word. And they swear to God they are right. But yet they are wrong for years. Year after year. And never learn.

I look for it. I was that guy. I wish I had somebody punch me in the head.

I had a friend tell me. "What are you doing with those cars? When the shit hits the fan you aren't going to need a 69 Camaro or a 84 Corvette. Get rid of those and buy silver"

Guess what I did?

Yes, I saw a boomer that has been talking to himself for years on a board. Parroting the metal salesmen. And I feel bad for him because he sacrificed a LOT as well. But is still blind.

I know the fundamentals of silver VERY well. I know monetary history VERY well. I understand fractional reserve banking. I know EXACTLY how the system works. I understand that there are over 100 paper contracts for every ounce of silver. I know that all money is debt.

So what. The contract states that the SLV will be paid out in FRN's.

If everybody went to get all their silver at once, they would be paid in FRN's. So what.

You see what we need is real education. And that is why I am here. To punch people in the head and get them thinking! I want to help. I truly do.

I know for a fact that I have taught a lot of people a LOT. And those people are sharing with others. And THAT is our power. That is the only tool we have. The spreading of knowledge.

I am glad you are thinking. Once you see you can't unsee. It will take you time. If you try you will learn that the powers that be own and control everything. So you say I think they are some sort of Gods.

When you own everything, how can you lose?

I swear to you. I have never made as much money in my life until AFTER I quit the metal game.

First I stacked like an idiot. Then I started buying ,mining shares. And if you don't know, mining stocks only move when the metals do. So my portfolio was sideways for years. Years and years. Because silver was sideways.

Then I started to notice the delivery schedules and the pattern in the mining stocks. They would go up and then back down. Frustrating to be holding and watch gains and then they all crash.

Tough to watch the metal smashes. But I figured out the timing better.

It is based around delivery schedules.

They lower the price of SLV prior to delivery months so they can buy the silver cheaper for their corporations. And buy it near the contracted price.

Now I have been teaching this on the SLV board for years. And people are taking notice. People are learning. And we can all profit from their little game.

I do not see any reason for their little game to end. Remember there are endless digits. And that is what they are using to manipulate SLV. Digits. They can create infinity digits to control the price of SLV.

I have been at this for a long time. I have been in this very same argument for over a decade trying to break people free from the matrix.

I will continue to do so.

I hope you can start to make money with SLV now that you are paying attention.

It sucks seeing the price of SLV go up and then suddenly get Smashed down by the dollars. It sucks the life right out of you. But there is a reason it happens. And you know why! Use it!