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06/15/23 3:16 PM

#160 RE: Xl175 #159

Also it is my belief that there are three major shills on the board. 1) senior-C, 2)Jab15 3) Cayo

Senior-C, always a Delfin fan, always points to the nay regarding Tglo. He went over the top last month with his llc bs

Jab15, his first post ever was a load of crap, go read it, check the timeline of it etc, he is always acting like a little bitch, it’s all fake act, his dd is mostly worthless bs.

Cayo, they invented him just to bug me, they want my shares, Cayo has few shares if he is not a shill.

The only thing that gives me pause regarding the idea that Senior and Cayo being shills are their past posting histories. Can ones handle be hijacked?