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06/15/23 12:49 AM

#133948 RE: Lime Time #133945

This court stuff takes a long time.GS has lawyers on his tickers 24/7.

Really? Then where are the publications? I think he's a part time client of one lawyer, maybe two.

G Sharp making a lot of waves in the pool that nobody is liking. GS better make his own stocks worth a hold for good future or else don't talk like that.

This I completely agree with. The only difference between George Sharp and the scammers he calls out is the promise that Sharp will deliver a big merger. Anything short of that and he's exactly like them:
- talking up his stocks right until he went expert market,
- issuing himself shares in SRNW and WNFT for "CEO services",
- making empty promises that are never acted on (WNFT warrants, multiple acquisition(s), releasing a business plan, adding to the board of directors),
- teasing FORW acquisition and audited financials,
- botching disclosures and still omitting things or having to revise them in response to public demands,
- selling shares without reporting the sale.

Really, at this point George Sharp should be ripping apart George Sharp.