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06/14/23 2:48 PM

#213 RE: DowDeva #212

Thanks for that link. The FDA is the biggest government scam in this Solar System. Not only do they fleece trillions from the biotech sector but if you really want approval then bribes and payola will help.
SAD :(
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06/15/23 2:12 PM

#215 RE: DowDeva #212

Great Refresher link, TY :) …keep eyes on BLUE—bla was sub’d 4/24 or so, expect over next week to hear yay or nay on Acceptance and/ or fast track ( 6mos. For pdufa date) or 10mos. If not ( key being accepted) … if denied, delay of prob 6mos-1yr!!! They burn crap load of cash, so an equity raise a certain… downside $2, upside could go parabolic to Double digits (24% shorties)