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06/09/23 12:09 PM

#123222 RE: WALL STREET KID #123221


Jimmy Joe

06/09/23 1:44 PM

#123223 RE: WALL STREET KID #123221

It is all a delay tactic. This has been known since the onset of this ridiculous lawsuit.

A 3 year old child can see through this delay.

The FUD team continues their attacks on $AMC/$APE and Adam Arron trying to discredit the company and its CEO. Defamation.

Really hope they go after agents who have ties to those who shorted/naked shorted and prosecute them ALL to the fullest.

$AMC/$APE arbitrage baby~!


06/11/23 6:38 PM

#123253 RE: WALL STREET KID #123221

Just RT $AMC $APE Premium Do The Donkey Kong Apes!