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06/04/23 11:29 AM

#134266 RE: MadScholar1 #134263

Awful lot of words to evade the question, and it was one of very simple logic. At the time BioAmber went into bankruptcy, they carried about $100M of debt and other liabilities. The post I replied to essentially said BioAmber's "technology" was worth billions. Plain and simple logic, companies worth billions don't go bankrupt over $100M of liabilities, ever.
Here's another clue: That little fairy tale was just a lie cooked up to dupe the naive into thinking that if they'd buy the stock, they'd wind up getting rich. That sort of con artistry happens on the OTC every day, and it happened here. BioAmber's plant and technology were worth $4.34M in a bidding process that solicited about 80 potential bidders. Not a chance those 80 bidders looked over the books and missed "billions." Not a chance the creditors let it go without objection with "billions" on the table. It was just a pump and dump.
PWC was very clear and truthful in their documentation, you just had a bunch of internet pumpers twisting snippets of it to support the fairy tale. And it is very clear, in black and white, that Eno didn't buy that stock, the disclosures to the SEC show that those were options only.
Of all the things one can pretend to be, dead wrong isn't the one I'd choose.


06/04/23 7:15 PM

#134268 RE: MadScholar1 #134263

Wow those conspiracy theories really are coming out now !

Eno did not buy any shares at all. All he had was “Options” and he never acted on them.
The two bidders lol. If that was a problem it would have been addressed but it wasn’t. Those two bidders never even turned in deposits anyway.
All of the rest of that is just garbage. None of it matters at all. The judges, creditors and their lawyers as well as the shareholders lawyer never objected to the sale to LCYB for $4.34 mil.
BioAmber doesn’t have any technology anymore as it was sold to LCYB along with all the assets. BioAmbers fair was sealed back in 2018 when the liquidation was approved but ceased to exist in 2019 when PWC was discharged leaving every single creditors impaired.
By law BioAmber is gone and those shares will forever be worthless.
What i find truly sad is that so many lose their money in the OTC every single day simply because they don’t know enough and always choose to listen to the ones spewing out MEGA MOASS, Shorty is going to burn, hold your shares now that the company was liquidated we are gonna make bank!!!
Instead of listening to the ones telling them the truth which is always right in front of them but they don’t want to read the official documents