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06/02/23 4:59 PM

#92746 RE: DJ Ponder #92744

The ASTA Shorty story reminds me of the fake repetitive “slam dunk” nonsense - an ASTA case that was dismissed within a week of it being filed. Unfortunately we were erroneously told here for months on end that the case was still ongoing. SMH

Asta “shorty” - Its a two bit con job created from thin air.

Once again, there are no shorts, monroe. I don’t know why this misconception is repeated over and over and…it’s so silly and Fake.

IN Short, there are no abusive shorts...they never “hauled ass” because they weren’t here - that’s just more promoter propaganda.

LMAO at the ever so subtle “probable” Shorty status change.

“IN Short, whatever shorts are left...probably already hauled ass after seeing the huge interest in the company and especially now after the shareholders meeting. This is going to be a lot of fun seeing this company grow.”

SMH. Two bit bullshit.