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06/01/23 8:38 AM

#805 RE: Think1st #804

Hi T, Re: nice dividend payers..................

I've owned Alliance Bernstein's LP for years (decades) with nice total return. It pays a healthy dividend and the price amplitude is enough for me to trade some shares around the core holding. AB is the symbol. Again, as with EPD, there's a K-1 at tax time. The 52 week High to Low range is ~$46 to $31 which is enough to generate some LIFO gains if one is interested. The 7.7%/yr annual current yield is good enough to keep my happy.

It's one for you to study.
Best wishes,
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06/01/23 8:06 PM

#807 RE: Think1st #804

EPD is the steadiest payer on purpose, and will also generate LIFO gains between Qs as over 1400 institutions are on it and move $ in/out to work the client's money between quarters. I usually can flip some short term at yield X 1.5 or 2. Develop a formula for a $1 swing and give Uncle Sam the cap gain tax. Slowly grow your long term core with lots held a year.

I sent you a my best RT's privately before you accidentally blocked (just click the unignore or follow to correct and I will send you the link) Was gone all day traveling and just got home and it still says blocked.

Better payers are not as steady as EPD simple because EPD covers worst case scenarios and hold enough cash back to protect the distribution, and even slow Capex plans when conditions require a pause. Their record speaks for itself. ET is a distant second Look at others like PAA & KNOP that have had to cut in half or more as their roller coaster chart required. They
still pay more for high risk if you can handle it.

Key is learning to take disciplined profit, like a singles hitter in baseball. Bid sit low like waiting for a fat pitch. Sleep well with your EPD core.