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06/01/23 12:14 PM

#5569 RE: Vexari #5564

Evidence of greatest crime ever committed against humanity

~~~ What's in the Pfizer documents ~~~
(52:02) Start @ the 18:00 mark

There are 11 highlights

Full blown attack on human reproduction, reads like a how to manual

Covid is the third largest side effect from the injection

Pfizer knew that within 48 hours it is biodistributed throughout the entire human body

Accumulating in the brain, adrenals, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, ovaries etc.

Lipid nanoparticles traverse every membrane in the body, destabilizing them, this has been known for 10 years

Lipid nanoparticles degrade the myelin sheath leading to neurological degradation

Horrific problems with clots and blood

Pfizer knew of the shedding aspect giving three examples of how, touch, inhalation and sex

No mechanism has been found whereby these materials leave the human body

A lethal, sterilizing, disabling injection

This is just the tip of the iceberg watch the vid for the rest
