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05/30/23 2:26 PM

#52989 RE: BesaoT35 #52988

Tilray could eliminate debt, they have some cash but still we don't know what goes on behind closed doors. I don’t know who owns MMNFF debt or at what price point. I looked at data but did not really search debt holders in the filings but ill look today unless you know.
Debt holders may be into the warrant for more then $.03 and if that is the case they would be selling at a loss. If they do the typical give the MMNFF CEO money on 3rd party debt reduction and the CEO issues them LOTS of shares then it would look like the typical pump and dump.

One other thing to look at that I have seen happen first hand. A company I know raised capital but they knew CMGI was going to buy them out and do a stock swap. But CMGI was if I recall (It’s been decades) was at $5.00 per share. The company being bought out figured just sell what ever they can at any price because they knew the shares would be cancelled and CMGI would issue CMGI shares (is CMGI even in business any more?)

I think they sold millions cheap and when CMGI did the merger they issued one shares of CMGI at $5 for LOTS of the private company shares and then CMGI tanked to I believe $.10. That means for every $5 you invested in the private company you got back $.10. If MMNFF does know Tilray will buy them out and cancel the shares, they could just dump billions cheap knowing a stock swap will happen. If Tilray goes UP we make money, it Tilray goes down we lose money.

Of course that is contingent if MMNFF is going to fold the ticker or let Tilray buy it then merge it and cancel the ticker and swap stocks. If it were me as CEO of Tilray I would use my company assets and capital to make MMNFF expand to all states that legalized marijuana since MMNFF has all the certificates in place.

If I was MMNFF and know Tilray was going to buy MMNFF out I guess the CEO would just dump shares for exit strategy money and not care about shareholders. MMNFF CEO can just say they were voted out and Tilray took over so any issues call Tilray. That of course depends on if the CEO was not going with the MMNFF to Tilray.

If I were Tilray I would rather make the MMNFF shares rise back to $.50 from $.03 knowing if it did that I would be able to sell millions of shares for millions of dollars and expand. It’s obvious the MMNFF shares can rise up 1000% from $.03 to $.30 before Tilray will see $19 as quickly if even ever. If Tilray had 1,000,000 Tilray shares to sell for capital they are worth about $2,000,000, if they have 200,000,000 MMNFF and they rise to even $.10 they have $20,000,000 ($18 million more then their stock).

If MMNFF goes to $.50 they have $100,000,000. And I am sure MMNFF will rise up 1000% to $.30 or even $.50 before Tilray hits $19. If I were Tilray I would not toss that capital away so fast and work to make MMNFF rise and have that be easier then to try and move Tilray to $19 per share. I guess we have to just wait and see.

I know what I would do but also MMNFF and Tilray knows that many who are jumping in now at $.03 will crate mass sell offs when the stock rises creating more sellers then buyers and cause the shares to drop. Also many own MMNFF at well above $1.00 who never cost averaged down so they would have to wait and the few getting in now will be the big winners.