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Diogenes of Sinope

05/26/23 1:56 PM

#31971 RE: cashclan #31969

Truth and trump= A wonderful oxymoron!

Central to our way of life, and an essential part of the American social contract, is the citizen soldier, who leaves his or her citizen life behind to fight to protect our rights and freedoms. We honor them for their bravery and selflessness.

But for all of our current commander in chief’s boasting about his support of our veterans and current members of our military, and their support for him, he has never served one day in the U.S. military, thanks to a series of deferments. First he received four educational deferments. After he graduated, he was classified 1A (fit and able to serve), then 1Y (temporary physical deferment), and finally 4F (permanent physical deferment), all due to (alleged) bone spurs in his feet. Fortunately, this condition does not affect his ability to play golf today.