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05/24/23 7:04 PM

#117514 RE: keepemcloser #117512

"Not the enemy"? Yeah, sure, ubetcha! Been around for ten years and we both KNOW the truth! Couple quotes at bottom sure show "support"!

Missy owed? Pass the blunt! Now, the spliff! SHOW THE RULING!!!!! I showed the ruling from before!

Sorry, NO SALE on the missy saving the day.... TOTAL BULLSHIT!

That is my opinion, our opinion and the COURT'S OPINION! The last opinion is the only one of TRUE CONSEQUENCE!

That’s true DB,it’s a lot of stock/cash that is at stake,we are on RK’s group’s side for sure.
He has proven all this in court,he paid for h
He made us all a lot of money,saved Digifonica& VOIPPAL as well as fiinanced most of Emil’s first 5 patents.
When he became quadriplegic is when all the snakes came out to feed.
I doubt there will be any true acquisition while VOIPPAL owes him so much.
This is speaking for many shareholders and we want other shareholders to know we are not the enemy .
Apparently Barbra deserves to make all that money for her investment then so does Richard and his family.
Our opinion.

The MalaKAKA fam could see it coming,they planned it and it looks like they have attracted the wrong kind of attention!
Appears they don’t pay their debts but certainly want VPLM to pay their life style screwing shareholders without batting an eye.
Just some shareholders opinions.
Watch for a new action coming to protect shareholders equity.
In our opinion!!!!

It’s obvious why Emu has total control of the reshuffled deck,he can do anything he wants with the then she’ll like maybe a cancer deal or??
Our opinion lol
