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11/09/03 2:53 PM

#2478 RE: DueDillinger #2476

DueDillinger...Ok that is what I wanted to know. You have No qualifications in Mining and you would have no idea how to evaluate any of the findings. Thank you for answering me. I will pay you no mind then and glad for your honesty. If you had qualifications in the nature I would pursue converstaions with you. I do not respond to anyone with a lot of nothing to say and a sharp tongue to do so. You keep on sounding off if it makes you feel good and please don't be insulted if I just ignore your posts. I do not have time to listen to anyone that has nothing to say and is not qualified to take up my time. You have a negative thing about the boards I suggest you take up Yoga or take up something in your life that would produce happiness.
I just thought by the way you posted that one of two things were possible.....(1) you were really qualified like me to talk and you knew something that I did not, or (2) you were in need of happiness and wasting everyone's time. I see the 2nd is the case. Well good luck thinking you know so much. Guess time will show you that you Are wrong concerning the findings of this company. There are a lot of negative people like you and I find you a complete waste of time. So I for one will overlook any of your postings.
Get a life guy. Your hat is too small for your big head. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and you should take shame in being explosed.
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11/09/03 4:45 PM

#2481 RE: DueDillinger #2476


As an investor (and, perhaps more aptly, speculator) in NSDM, I can appreciate both good and bad news, and positive and negative interpretations of such news (or as you and others have sometimes pointed out, lack of news). "Why won't anyone respond to criticism?" Well, I personally do not believe that the majority of folks on this board fear criticism. It's just that when such criticism is couched in mean-spririted and derogatory language, credibility is compromised (e.g., "penny trash company" and "silkworthiness"). There really is no need to stoop to such strong negative language if, in fact, the comments are valid and rationally elocuted; the argument itself should be sufficient. I for one would certainly like to hear of any news/interpretations that might indicate potential trouble with NSDM. After all, as an investor, I realize that things will not always go perfectly smoothly or as planned. But, I do know that I'm dealing with a Pink Sheet penny stock; plainly stated--it's speculative, and relevant news/PR is not typically frequent. Within this realm, no news is not necessarily bad news, although it certainly could be. Finally, there is nothing wrong with a little optimism. I would certainly rather go through life with an optimistic attitude, even if it means that sometimes I might get burned. It's sure a lot more pleasant.

Oh well, just my two cents worth...
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11/09/03 6:10 PM

#2486 RE: DueDillinger #2476 are obviously a legend in your own mind. You just earned "ignore" on this board too.

Ed Zachery disease strikes again.
