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09/03/07 10:48 PM

#2 RE: atout #1

PNGX 8k filing Aug 27, 2007, Inc?????

mr. baum patent

Publication: Business Wire
Date: Wednesday, April 11 2007
Subject: Home furnishings industry (Intellectual property), Selling

SAN DIEGO -- Mark L. Baum, Esq. is pleased to announce that the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO") has issued and published US Patent Number 7,198,313 entitled "Home Furnishing and the Like Mobile Selling Systems and Methods."

Commenting on the patent issuance, Mr. Baum

stated, "I am pleased that after more than three years, the USPTO has acknowledged the uniqueness of my invention and method and has issued this important patent. The patent issuance is especially gratifying as the mattress and furniture business is an industry that I dedicated myself to understanding while growing up in Houston, Texas. As a teenager, I often found myself trying to design a better way to make a better mattress. Ultimately though, I came to believe that there would always be many companies competing in the mattress design arena. This has proven to be true as air and foam mattresses have created a revolution in the consumer mattress business, dramatically taking away marketshare from traditional innerspring mattresses. The greater challenge was to design a new way of selling mattresses. Years later, the product of my effort is US Patent Number 7,198,313."

"My patent and the execution of our related business model will create a revolution in the way in which mattresses are ultimately sold to consumers. Having been deeply involved in the mattress business for more than two decades, there are three things I have observed and which I believe to be true: (1) the owners of retail mattress stores, including chain stores, are very slow to adapt new technologies; (2) consumers are becoming ever more "busy" and often do not have the time to "shop around" all over their towns and cities in order to save very small amounts of money on a product that they are often unable to even compare from store-to-store; and (3) a mattress is a unique consumer product that is best purchased in person. Our business model is going to provide consumers, through our best-in-breed local partners around the country, with a time-saving way to buy the highest quality mattress and bedding products at the lowest possible prices with the very highest standards of service."

Mr. Baum concluded, "When fully implemented, the business model, which has been successfully working for many years in Houston, Texas, will provide consumers all over the United States with a new way to buy mattresses, as well as bedding related items, including linens and pillows. Over the coming months, we intend to work on parallel paths by developing our technology for scale, working with suppliers and potential partners and beginning to enforce our significant intellectual property rights."