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Really Could Be

05/12/23 8:31 PM

#20111 RE: Agoura Guy #20110

Sad! Which billionaire will the sheep give their money to next?


05/13/23 10:59 AM

#20113 RE: Agoura Guy #20110

There is the molder, there are his materials

Bring in the enemy and re-educate them. Twitter corporate should become a re-education camp for WEF adherents, one at a time turn them from the dark side or they’re fired if not malleable. Bring in the Trojan horses, we know what is inside them already, clean them, and they become an asset. Bring them in and they will not be cleaned, send them away to rot in their previous lies, imprinted though with a different environment than what the horse only knew. One day they might see and decide to open their eyes to what they’ve done, an independent choice, and then there is change, reform, build their own re-education camp, now they see.