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05/10/23 11:47 PM

#24064 RE: TronCarter #24063

Tron - I understand your point, and based on what I’ve read, you’ve been pretty much spot on.

But, why take a fast-growing company public? Access to capital public markets, right? And, down the road, a huge payoff. Brian Haugli owns approximately 50% of the company. He must envision a scenario where Side Channel fetches a hefty premium from a well-heeled suitor, making him an extremely wealthy man.

And it’s not like he’s some charlatan peddling X one day, and something new the next. He’s a bona fide expert in the field.

Cash on the books has gone towards R&D and overhead (expansion). Perfectly reasonable capex for a nascent company, gaining a foothold in the space.

Will Side Channel succeed? Time will tell. There are certainly plenty of risks. The rewards, too, are significant.