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05/11/23 2:27 AM

#104959 RE: jtomm #104957

Carbon Credit ponzi scheme will make that

look tiny and betcoin scheme look

small in the distant future...

Also gets some gov't involvement...

Airline buys carbon credits from an

owner of timber property,,,

that alleges to reduce the carbon

emissions of the airline that purchased

those carbon credits...

Gov't endorses it and Bankers give the

company a Green Flag Approval Rating...

You Sniff the emissions still coming from

that airline's aircraft when flying, and

if you inhale less carbon emissions

from it, then I will

print this post and eat it...

And this growing, massive scheme is

attracting gazillions of brave backers

on both sides...

While Mother Earth will get negative

benefit from the Paper Trail...

So we watch...LJ