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05/07/23 5:00 PM

#289976 RE: BidnessMan #289975

mitch is minority leader for 48 votes under him. they only have 40 confirmed senate votes now, need 60 total. even if 100% dems vote, they still need 10 r's and they only have 5 confirmed so far. not impossible but will be very hard sell. political problem. in fact, even house may not be able to vote as the majority in house flipped (passed 7 times in house before). the committe chair in house is on record last week saying it is not his priority. i was hopeful but after digging deep, not sure anymore unless mitch speaks. if they leave it as standalone with no additions, may be there is a chance but chuck keeps his tirade on adding social stuff to it than doing it piecemeal. i am not sure and at this time, i think it won't pass. politics at best and d don't have enough votes in either house or senate.