The article saying that pneumonia and not Cytokine storm killling covid patients is not accurate , and very misleading .
Cytokine storm damage organs so severely , including lungs , that even mild pneumonia can kill ,
And yes , one may say patient died from nothing else but pneumonia , but this could be only if we forget all the severe damage to our organs cytokine storm did first ..
In medicine is not that easy , we must look at all this etiologies .. ..
We will not have that high mortality rate as we have , if only simple pneumonia will be a problem , we take care of pneumonia all the time , and dead are not that common .
True that with covid we giving to patients steroids , and drugs like Tocilizumab , all this producing immunosuppression , and producing more susceptibility to severe pneumonia , but again all these drugs are given because patients developed Cytokine storm .
And if only drug like Leronlimab will be given to patients before severe damage to organs , I am convince not that many will die ..
Letonlimsb , drug without one serious side effect ..
All imo
GLTA longs .