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04/30/23 1:52 PM

#38450 RE: snootmagruder #38447

2 impeachments, 4 indictments including a rape case he will lose very soon, including the Georgia Mafia case, the Mar-a-Lago document case and January 6th. these are in your face known exposed events and actual words spewed from trump himself. Nothing to uncover only watch and read.

the man enjoys dictators Nazi's and Jew haters. he loves them. he promises any insurrectionist that tried to overthrow this government will be rewarded by him. TDS? it's like watching a mass serial killer with graphic details of his dismemberments, his pleasure doing his worse, his trail being hounded by 40 percent of the population demanding he be free. they chant he dealt out justice, did what all of us wanted to do to someone at sometime in out lives. he was brave enough to display his thoughts into action. HELLO, anyone home. You see I too can twist the most horrific immoral acts into one of justification. YUP it is POLITICAL. Go away. Done trying to explain to a Paramecium the laws of physics. Incapable of comprehending.

is that what you mean? In fact i can just use MONTHLY reports on Trumps actions and behavior, display them to you, and get the same horrific mindset he has all along with YOUR response as "So What" move on, no biggie. You must be a die-hard Democrat.

Overthrow the govenwemnt. Dismantle it when he took office. Used hos position to go after companies and individuals. used his pulpit to threaten anyone and everyone to stay LOYAL or else. A LOW LIFE THUG with the power of the whole US behind him.

I can see why it is so close for his return as president, can't you? See why his own party, the same individuals running from the MOB on January 6th, hiding in closets, praise his actions after a week of confusion.

Absolute STARK no cloths emperor being praise for his great fashion. You call that political? i call that EVIL! I call that embracing evil and wishing they can do it also. that's why i can easily declare this nation has already destroyed itself. Black hole in their heart. Trump should be run out of this nation 8 years ago instead of leading it.

Imagine a third world nation dismissing the behavior of their dictator and demanding he be in power for life. Hitler had a 12 year reign. Pure EVIL and the result was what? Retribution is inevitable not because i believe in justice. Because i believe in the balance of nature. The more selfish the act controlling most of the population means inevitably it will crumble based on the compounded greed and weight of such selfishness.