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04/22/23 9:49 PM

#16513 RE: shell3 #16512

Another Clown Show response by a CEO in over his head in debt and dishonesty. That email is worthy of a trash can. If Algernon Pharmaceuticals ever survives self-inflicted financial troubles, you'll likely hear the same drumbeat to no end about Bellus Health. As you should be keenly aware of by now, none of the money the CEO is currently trying to raise will go towards a standalone Chronic Cough clinical trial. It will go towards trying to keep the lights on in their virtual company offices somewhere in Canada.

You need real world efficacy of a drug (Data Driven) to prove anything worthwhile ($) in pharmaceuticals. Bellus Health methodically went about the business of doing just that for their shareholders. they didn't spend years wasting money and time chasing rabbits down hellholes in Pennyland. The CEO offers more Lip Service and Hoping Wishing stuff from one year to the next. He simply wants more of your money to dump into his salary and benefits package. He's been very successful at doing just that ever since Calendar Year 2018.

A Data Driven company Algernon Pharmaceuticals is not. You'll see further glaring evidence of that when they pigeonhole another clinical trial in slow roll enrollment rate Australia for "Tax Rebates" received many years later Those at the helm of Algernon Pharmaceuticals are cut from the cloth of Penny Stock operators, through and through (Like The Wolf Of Wall Street). Period.

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P.S. I am not a subscriber of anything coming from Algernon Pharmaceuticals. Thanks for the Heads Up Shell.