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02/18/07 3:07 PM

#2966 RE: newmillionaire #2965

This is the reasons coming from a teenager(myspace/youtube generation) in list format on why wi-fitv is going take the market, make the market, and create even more new markets.

They have the web/internet as a distribution platform. This is important because when the future comes around in 5 years, the internet will be able to support streams of hi-def and humongous amounts of data to just about anywhere in the world on any device (wifi)

Apple's Itv is using the computer as the distribution platform. You download shows/movies to your computer before you upload to your TV and watch them. This is going to rip a good chunk out of their stock value. In 5 years, call me on this, I’m predicting that the majority of applications, severities, games and information will all be web based. The time for using the hard drive will be over. I also predict that in a matter of years the speed of data push on the internet is going to be faster then the speed of hard drives using direct connection. Just about everything you can do on a computer now will be integrated into servers so you can access anything in the digital world from any computer anywhere in the world. Apple should have stuck to products.

Wi-fitv has the people. What do I mean by that? Fact or Fiction, it has become apparent to me that the same top 5% of developers create 95% of the best products/services. Don’t believe me? Check out who the adviser to the wi-fitv board was. Mr. George Atkinson. Nerds like the people from Joost usually only hit it big once for their idea’s (Skype lol) But the Einstein’s behind most of the successful technology today don’t tell people who they are because then people might learn where all are economy has gone lol. Alex has a vision not a dream, a love for his business, and a history of failure(experience) and that’s what it takes.

They have the domain name(s). This is the single most important detail that will determine the company’s success. They not only trademarked the combination of wifi and TV, they also hit the nail on the head with They may not have gotten but because of the way they are distributing the feature, this is another industry bottleneck in that it’s a “feature” for Wi-FiTV.

Joost is using a new technology that is supposed to be the “state of the art” p2p (torrent) technology. It’s funny how their technology is going to be their downfall. I grew up hacking downloading and getting things for free. I was there at 12 years old for Napster and I watched the development of the open source progression of p2p. What’s wrong with Joost? Torrents are slow. When I used p2p to download, torrents were only good because they had the best file quality due to the concept of a community file, as apposed having to dl a file from a specific source(gorilla networks) where the file quality differed substantially all the time and their was a risk for virus’s and such. IPTV is going to be community TV no matter how you look at it, so the concept of a community file being better then the rest because of quality aka what made torrent popular will not affect the IPTV industry in the way they are trying to make it. Company’s like limewire were way more convenient then torrents. The reason though why limewire’s tech didn’t “dominate” the market was because they could not regulate the files. Wi-fitv can. (torrents allowed more privacy, lol for piracy naturally) its cheaper for the company, but in till torrents can be handled by the standard American computer faster then the standard computers internet connection, the Joost development team is going to have some seriously slow TV to work with.

Wi-fitv will have competition, no doubt. It will win the market though, not because of people, technology, sales, money, method, but because they are already poised for a industry that evolves faster then corporate can (Snailtv). Anyone who knows anything about money knows that the trends and the industry’s always take direction faster then a company can create a method for harnessing a bottleneck for that specific trend/industry~ aka you have to be there before it happens. Wi-fitv created the bottleneck for the industry before the trend, before the nation could really understand the idea. They had it years before Bill came and told John on the Daily Show that him and his TV station were going to be classified as old people things. Not only does Wi-FiTV have the people, they have the positioning, the vision, and they got lucky.

John Davis