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Dragon Lady

04/19/23 9:44 AM

#155071 RE: Huggy Bear #155070


SEC 10-K IS MIA MIA MIA and DELINQUENT DELINQUENT DELINQUENT and "THE SEC" does NOT look kindly on that kind of bullshit circus stunt crap from a scam as dirty and scuzzy as this sub double and triple ZERO train wreck......

I don't think this is the case but with Holly on board now this conpany could certainly go the route of Altan and quit filing.

Yepper - it's just more of the BIG LIE and BIG CON SCAM with "new" (old) Jolly Holly walking into the bad picture RIGHT as the scuzzy land of Oz "Dr" Jon flew the coup and took the money and ran LMAO !!

The FIRST and PRIMARY FUNCTION of any any any "public company" so called "management" and that's not counting the PIZZA JOINT PROMOTER CLOWN is to TIMELY FILE FILE FILE FILE because the word(s) "PUBLIC TRADED" mean things !!

This scam is circling the bowl with "Dr" Jon the con master fleeing the scene and now Holly Jolly pitching the FAKE ASSETS BIG LIE mixed w/ INABILITY TO FILE and FAILURE TO FILE -

This might quickly head to DEAD TICKER STATUS and finally do the fade away...

My "Guess" is "THE SEC" is getting close and has already notified these ass clown serial grifters of a FORMAL INVESTIGATION via a "WELLS NOTICE" or similar and thus "Dr" Jon chose to cut and run and is likely already in the land down under...

I fully expect Davey LaMountain to "suddenly" fall ill or "move to new and bigger opportunities" at some other crime scene scam any day here....and only Jolly Holly to be left standing with his bag of free Tauta-CON shares....and then the fade away...

Some variation on that bad theme scene - just another gutter OTC fraud going down the bowl with the flushing sound.....

RIP TAUTA-CON 2023 :))

TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN.....RUN.....RUN.....names have been changed to protect the innocent..:))