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04/18/23 11:23 AM

#35550 RE: pack10 #35549

Listening now.

I understand he is a metal salesman. You always have to recognize that. They will always talk about how little silver there is but you can buy it from them. And there are a LOT of salesmen out there. A growing amount all the time. And they ALL have silver to sell.

That being said. I will share my thoughts as I listen.

I love Ted Butler.
I agree with everything this guy is saying so far. SLV GLD all metals manipulated. Oil manipulated. Oil more manipulated by quantity they release into the market. Opec nations. Petro dollar. 1971 Kissinger. Oil is abiotic. Earth produces/creates oil. There is an endless supply. Earth creates water, it also creates oil.

Big misconception here. 38 million ounces missing that back SLV. SLV is NOT backed by silver. SLV is simply a pricing mechanism. SLV is not delivered. deliveries are made in the ACTUAL metal market. NOT SLV. SLV is simply a digit based pricing mechanism that can be traded. The price of the metals is created by SLV. There is NO silver in SLV and SLV does not ever have to be delivered. SLV is traded and paid in FRN's. There does not have to be ANYTHING backing SLV. Silver is delivered to those with delivery contracts. NOT SLV.

Understand this. NOBODY that wants delivery buys SLV. Nobody that has any interest in physical buys SLV. SLV is open ended and there is ENDLESS SLV in the digit pool. It can be created at will. It IS the tool used by the bankers and the Govt to control the price of silver. As with GLD.

So anybody that says SLV does not have the physical to back it does not understand SLV. Just like our Social Security system. There is nothing backing it. They simply create it as they need it. There is no shortage in social security. They create is as needed.

"We can guarantee............."

They create Social security benefits at the time of payment. What we pay in is actually a TAX. When it comes time to pay it they just whip it up and send it out. It is part of the Ponzi scheme.

The SLV market is not much different. They create SLV digits to move the market wherever they want and whenever. Same with GLD. Hell, all markets are manipulated.

So SLV does not have ANYTHING backing it. Never did. SLV is never paid out to manufacturers. Silver is. SLV is just a pricing mechanism. There could be as we speak quadrillions of shares of SLV. we have no way of knowing.

I have shown you that they have created 2 BILLION ounces of SLV in 1 day. There is obviously no delivery on those created SLV shares. It isn't necessarily shorts, more like simple magic creation. Yes there are shorts, but CREATION is where the majority of the manipulation comes from.

Here is one of the problems I have....... Ted Butler KNOWS this. So does Keith Neumeyer. So does Doug Casey. So does Rick Rule. They ALL know! THEY LIE! They sell metal.

He says in the video that this could expose the manipulation........So WHAT! They will keep doing it no matter who knows. We all know the Govt. is spying on us! Do they stop doing it?

He is saying a LOT to sell metal. And to buy from him of course.

I stand firm in saying that NOTHING is different. I do not see a reason for them to give up or lose their control of the system. They may have to allow the price of metals rise a little so that the miners can remain profitable. But they have complete control of the metals.

If there were a monetary system switch the same bankers will run it and the same bankers will still control the system.

The IMF and the World bank control EVERY currency and every monetary transaction in the WORLD. China, Russia, India, Opec nations, Europe, You name it. They own all the currencies and control everything. They control the metal markets and own all the corporations that the metal is sold to. That includes all the above mentioned countries as well.

If they own it ALL how can they lose control of it?