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04/13/23 10:15 PM

#66509 RE: 1hot toddy #66508

Alex is dropping the ball, he needs to prove himself more than a used car salesman and get the revenue moving. Nobody will give two shits about medical if no revenue is being made.


04/14/23 6:15 AM

#66512 RE: 1hot toddy #66508

Sorry, but I don't go by what another investor said that the medical could be worth $500 mil. If Alex said it then he would know more about it but relying on another investor is untrustworthy to know at best. I'm surprised this board is relying on another investor's word to evaluate a company's worth. Completely baffles me. Does this investor have some kind of connection to the company? Who is this other investor that we are relying on to tell us what a company is worth???