No, Mr.Pro Se. The litigants request a cash refund (just $19 billion excess over 10% dividend) and they never required to record any amount as Retained Earnings (Core Capital). Not even when the SPS are repaid.
They don't get that FnF sent regulatory capital through "dividends", a capital distribution that can't be considered a dividend to begin with:
-Restricted by law.
-Suspended by the conservator.
-Not out of legally available funds (deficit in the Retained Earnings account) for distribution as dividends.
This is why their lawsuits funded by the hedge funds, don't add even $1 of regulatory capital to the current adjusted $400 billion capital shortfall over minimum leverage capital requirement ($303 billion official)
The Government theft story by the corrupt litigants and accomplices, that has ended up requesting a swap SPS for Cs as an option, is an essential part of the stock price manipulation, for which we request damages.