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04/02/23 3:35 PM

#24279 RE: technicolor turncoat #24271

You must have the link attached is the company website with current news Xalles projected revenue for ai growth hub was 7 million annually the did 5 million for 6 months so they should be closer to 10 million annually then you add the 3 acquisitions just completed projections 23 million totals 33 million annually and we still have 4 acquisitions to complete totaling 20 million so by Q2 end we should be a 53 million dollar company. I don’t know what the profit margins will be when totaled but last Q they were 18% if we continue with those profits 18% of 50 million one year from now look pretty dam good . Xalles will be the growth stock of 2023 imo . Good to see you here T T GLTY


04/02/23 4:06 PM

#24280 RE: technicolor turncoat #24271

Are you in or just checking Xalles out . Imo anything under .01 is a deal and if you’re in it for 6 months you’ll have plenty of exit opportunities of .05 to .10 my target is .20 to .35 for 3 million I’ll hold the other 6 just Incase they meet my expectations of QB uplist and 200 million revenue with 18% profit margins that 36 million profit that has potential to hit dollars with some buy backs . Plus all these companies being acquired have an out to spin off on there own . There 100% Xalles so we’ll get spin off shares of the new public company. Xalles will be a long term money maker in many ways . Longs have been waiting for this for a long time and MR Nash is finally making his move . Hears an article from 3 weeks ago .